Make Money With Guest Posts From Your WordPress Site (How To Integrate A Payment Gateway)
If you have a WordPress website with heavy traffic then there are hundreds of ways to make money online. Link sharing, Google AdSense, Sponsored Blog Posts, Affiliate marketing are some common ways to earn money from your blogging site. Most amazingly, feature-rich WordPress plugins confine all these tasks within few clicks only.
Today we will discuss how to allow users posting anything from frontend with the WP User Frontend. Also, we will show you how to make money with guest posts directly charging your users for each post.
Let's dive deep to earn from your WordPress blogging sites effortlessly.
Why Use WP User Frontend for Your Personal Blogging Site

With WP User Frontend you can create forms and manage user post types. It follows a simple process with less implementation time. You can add this WordPress plugin on your blogging site with a few clicks only.
It will allow registered or guest users for posting on your site smoothly. Moreover, you can let the users manage everything from Frontend. Nevertheless, you can make money with guest posts by activating the Paid Membership or Subscription feature on your site.
Above all, you will get fresh content for your blogging site regularly. On the other hand, your subscribers will be able to avail themselves of good backlinks from your site. Therefore, it will be beneficial for both sides.
Nevertheless, your user will manage all their contents from the frontend dashboard. So, you can relax with the full backend authority of your site. It will ensure the complete security of your site and simultaneously facilitate all your users with advanced attributes.
Most amazingly, this WordPress plugin is available in both free and premium versions. However, you can give a special treat to your clients with WordPress Frontend Pro. WP User Frontend Pro offers advanced functionalities like content restrictions, form templates, frontend dashboards, and so on.
How to Configure WP User Frontend in Your WordPress Blog
It will take less than 10 minutes to customize a frontend submission form for your WordPress blogging site. Hence it is very easy to insert forms into pages using shortcodes and Gutenberg blocks.
Let's jump into the details process to make your WordPress Blogging site a reliable income source.
Step 1: Download and Install WP User Frontend (Free & Pro)
Assuming that your WordPress blogging site is up and running. Now login to the WP Admin Dashboard → Plugins → Add New.

Now write ‘wpuf‘ on the search bar and hit the enter button to find the plugin from the WordPress directory. After that, install and activate the plugin like any other WordPress plugin.

Next, you will get a brief setup wizard. Hit the “Let's Go” button to proceed.

Now, keep the “Enable Payments” and “Install WPUF Pages” checked and click on the ‘Continue‘ button.

You can unlock all the advanced functionality of this WordPress frontend plugin with WP User Frontend Pro. There are 3 different packages are available. You can pick the package that fits your needs perfectly.
If you have any further query then check the official documentation or comment below.
Step 2: Activate Stripe Payment Module to Make Money with Guest Posts
In this step, you have to activate the Stripe Payment module. It allows you to receive direct payment from your users. Aso, it will keep the further configuration process simple and smooth.
However, you can let your users buy subscription packs using Stripe. It requires only a few clicks to activate the Stripe Payment module on your site. After that, you can incorporate it along with the built-in PayPal payment gateway.
In order to avail, this extension you should navigate to WP dashboard→User Frontend → Modules. Then, turn on the toggle button of Stripe Payment to activate this module.

After installing and activating the Stripe add-on configure the essential settings accordingly. You should modify it in the way you want the users to pay on your sites.
Note: Stripe payment is only available in WP User Frontend Pro. Get it to make money with guest posts from your personal site.
Related: How to Write a Guest Post: Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Site
Step 3: Create a Form for Guest Post Submission
Well, you have successfully installed and configured WPUF, now you need to create and publish a sample post form. At first, navigate to WP Admin Dashboard→ WPUF → Post Forms. Then, select the Sample Form to edit. Or, you can also hit the Add Form button to create a post form from scratch.

After selecting the Sample Form you will get a form editor. Then, you can customize the elements according to your requirements. After completing all the modifications, hit on the Save Form button.

Then, copy the shortcode of the newly created post form from the editor.
Step 4: Configure Your Guest Post Form
Visitors can post on your site without registering themselves with the powerful Guest Post feature of WP User Frontend.
Go to WP Admin Dashboard → WPUF → Post Forms → Settings → Submission Restriction.

Now, check the Guest Post option. Enabling the Guest Post will open up 4 more options. Checked or unchecked the options based on your requirements.

Now, click on the Save Form button. Congratulation! You have done with configuring the guest post form.
Step 5: Enable Payment Option
Now, click on the Setting tab and check the Payment Option to enable payment for the form we have just designed.

Then, you can check the option “Force subscription pack” or “Enable Pay Per Post” based on your payment criteria.
Also, you can set the amount that you want to charge for each post on your site. It's now easier to make money with guest posts and other ways.
Step 6: Publish Your Guest Post Form
Now, create a new page and paste the shortcode on it from the Sample Form you have designed above.

After that, hit the “Publish” button to make it live.
Step 7: Check The Frontend View of Your Guest Post Form & Payment Gateway
If any guest user comes on the posting page, he or she will find a post form like below as we have created above.

When the user will hit the Submit button they will get an option to make the payment using their cards.

Guest users must register first and then make the payment here to publish their blogs on your site. When they will insert their credit card information and hit the proceed button Stripe will complete the payment. They will get a confirmation message on the screen.

The transaction does not need any approval from the admin.
You can check the total income and all the transactions by navigating WP-Admin → User Frontend → Transaction

Finally, check the ultimate outcome and promote your site accordingly. Furthermore, it will encourage your target audience to contribute to your site.
In addition, WP User Frontend will notify both the admin and the guest users by sending individual notifications through messages or emails.
Effective Ways to Make Money with Guest Posts & Subscription Pack
However, it will make you able to earn money from your users in two ways. Either you can charge for per post submission or you can create a subscription package that will allow the guests to pay in advance.
So your options are-
- Charge per post
- Charge for subscription in bulk
How to Configure for Pay Per Post Submission
You can charge your guest authors for every single post they want to publish. To do so, you should navigate to User Frontend -> Settings.
Click on the Payment Tab to configure all the attributes.

Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page. Check the details process of Pay Per Post Submissions and start to make money with guest posts!
How to Configure for Subscription Packs
With WP User Frontend you can create customized subscription packs. It allows you to limit post numbers, post expiry times, and also charge in bulk. All you need to make a submission platform for your guest authors.
Here, you can even limit fields, custom CSS, and make the pack recurring.
Therefore, go to WP User Frontend→Subscriptions and start building a pack with Add New. At last, edit the form as per your requirements.

For further and detailed guidance about WP User Frontend's features, modules, usages, and implementation, go through the documentation site or YouTube channel.
You can also contact our support team.
Now, you have all the essential elements to make money with guest posts from your personal WordPress site through direct payments.
Time to Make Money with Guest Posts
You can easily make money with guest posts from your WordPress Blogging site. All you need to allow guest users to publish their content on your site. Then you can easily charge them for their contents consequently.
WP User Frontend makes you able to create frontend forms for your users. Guest authors can submit their posts through a frontend dashboard on your site. However, they have to pay a fixed amount according to your site's rules and regulations.
This is the most reliable and easiest way to earn from your WordPress Blogging site. Also, it does not require backend access to your site. So, you can ensure the highest security for your WordPress site.
Nevertheless, you can satisfy Google's ranking factor by publishing unique content regularly. It will improve your position on search engines drastically.