How to Create Website Contents That Convert Leads Into Customers
There could be many answers to the following question, “What is the goal of content marketing?” Contents are written for brand awareness, customer engagement, generating traffic for the website, and many more. But in all honesty, the primary goal for any content is to convert leads, increase sales, and make money.
So how do we encourage customers to buy a product or service from us using content? Well, that's what we will be writing about in this blog. If you're interested, continue reading, as we're going to share some real insider secrets to create contents that convert leads into customers.
Tips to Create Website Content That Converts
According to Retail Dive, 87% of people search online before making a purchase decision. That itself is a testament to the impact of content in sales. So what are our tips for content writing that makes your product sell? Well, here they are!
Understand Your Audience
Understand your audience might seem like a word that you have heard over and over again, but that's because it's a damn important one. Unless and until you can understand your audience, there is no way that you can write what they want.
Customers want to feel valued, understood. The more you can get to them with personalized messages, the more you can sell.

There are ways to understand customers. You can try to get to know some of them personally, research your succeeding customers or even monitor comments from similar content.
When you can produce content that tells what customer is looking for, sales will increase. Doesn't need a rocket scientist to understand that, does it?
Find Proven Content Ideas that Results in Conversion
Well, stealing might be a crime but taking ideas isn't. So go the extra mile, research the case studies related, and try to find ideas that are proven to be fruitful in terms of conversion.

You can ask us why we are demotivating you to come up with unique ideas and promoting look-a-likes. But to be very honest, we really aren't. In today's content marketing of fierce competition, creating unique content, and going up the ladder is hard.
However, as your brand gets renowned, you can start writing unique content. But if you want to increase sales upfront, following proven ideas and trends is the way to go.
Write Relevant Contents
Let's face the truth, nobody likes to read gibberish. Nobody likes to know how expert you are on a completely different topic and, nobody likes to read utterly irrelevant content.
Relevancy can mean two things. One – writing on the topics that your people want to read. Two – when writing on a particular topic, don't drag it and add unnecessary information.
The question is straight, “Would you read an article that is filled with information that you do not need or isn't as promised?”
No, you would not.
Don't Present Abstract Ideas, Be Clear & Concise

When you are writing on a topic, you have a responsibility to make it clear to your audience. After all, you are the expert here. When you present a prolonged abstract idea, it confuses the audiences, instead of clearing their mind and go forward to buy a product.
So it's important that you write as clearly and concisely as you can and help the audience make their mind. It will surely increase the chance to convert leads into customers.
Headlines are Super Important
We say it again and again, yet we can't stress it enough, just how important headlines for content. According to CopyBlogger, “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” So, you can get an idea of how important the headline is for content.
There are quite a few tricks to grab readers' attention with your headline. You can use a dedicated headline generator online to generate an engaging headline. You can also try using power words such as Smart, Simple, Awesome, Secret, Rock-solid, etc. can make your headline more appealing. Moreover, you can also try to follow the viral headline and figure out why they are read so many times.
As the great copywriter John Caples said,
“If the headline doesn’t stop people, the copy might as well be written in Greek. If the headline is poor, the copy will not be read. And copy that is not read does not sell goods.”
Engage Readers with a Story
Writing content is easy, making the readers read it is hard. One simple trick to capture a reader's full attention is to write a story rather than just writing lines after lines of unappealing content. Granted, you might be giving out pure insight and information that could really help the user make up their mind to purchase.

But what does it matter when the reader does not even find it interesting enough to read?
Well, trust us, every writer faced a similar situation when they start writing content. But as time goes, they gradually understand it's not always about giving out the most important information. But also about how well you can present them while keeping your readers engaged.
It is important to present every content as a story that has a start (a promise), a description (keeping the promise), and an end that satisfy a reader's mind (a fitting conclusion).
Related: 6 Evergreen Content Marketing Tips to Become Successful
Create Emotional Drive to Purchase
Offline copywriters are doing it for ages. And even in this modern era of content writing, it is still equally relevant. Emotion sells!

When you can create an emotional appeal and attachment with your customer, they tend to make the purchase decision more often. For example, “We feel your pain and using our tool can reduce your painful paper works by half.” is more likely to make your customer opt for the purchase, than “It can automatize paperwork“.
Close with Perfection
All's well that ends well. Don't ruin your hard work with an unfitting finish. Build up your content, and finish it in a way that makes your reader ready for your final CTA.
The penultimate paragraph of your content should provoke the reader to ask a question to himself, and you should have an answer ready in your CTA right below that.

That's what we call “A finish on point.”
Times to Convert Some Leads into Customers
All of the tips above were from our personal experience of writing engaging content. We tried to help you with the exact guideline that we follow to write a conversion-focused article.
Be sure to also write content following proper SEO guidelines so that you can rank your articles higher on the search engine. After all, how can you convert, if you can't get people to read your article?
If you have any more ideas that help convert leads to customers, don't be shy to share with us in the comment box.