Dokan Pro 3.0 Released With Major Improvements & Fixes (Learn How to Deal with)
Editor's Note: This is one of our PR posts on the Dokan Plugin v3.0 from 2020. We have just updated it including all major releases from v3.0.0 to v3.8.1. Check the latest version of Dokan. Thanks! -Sakil Adnan, Head of Content, weDevs.
You can check our previous post on-
- All major releases under Dokan v1
- All Major Releases From v2.0 to v2.7.5
- All Major Releases From v2.8.0 to v2.9.19
Here, you'll find the details of our major releases from March 25, 2020, to Aug 21, 2023.
Let's dive in ⤵️
Recently we released Dokan Lite version 3.0. Today we have come up with another good news. As weDevs is constantly updating and releasing its products, we are proudly announcing the release of Dokan Pro 3.0.
Dokan Pro 3.0 has been released with some major improvements and fixes.
Anyone who is thinking about owning a marketplace, the first name that comes to mind is Dokan. Because it has a rich list of features along with some exclusive modules that make it the best multi-vendor marketplace in WordPress.
So, there is no surprise that 60000+ marketplace owners have put their faith in Dokan. Having said that, the latest release has some improvements and fixes that will give them the experience of owning a marketplace a major uplift.
Without further ado let's get on with the details and find out what this latest release has in store for us.
But before that, a compulsory reminder
Before updating to the new version make sure you keep a backup of all the previous data.
Dokan v3.0.0 : What Dokan Pro 3.0 Has in Store for You

weDevs has always thought about their customers first. That is why we try to make improvements and fix the issues as soon as possible. Over 60000 marketplace owners rely on Dokan and that's not a small responsibility.
Now, with the latest version, we are trying to give our customers the satisfaction of using a flagship product. Let see what the new Dokan Pro 3.0 has to offer.
Major Upgrade In Dokan Pro's Performance
One of the things that frustrates the user is the long buffering or load time of any software. It hampers productivity and also disrupts the flow of work. The performance of any software fairly depends on the code structure.
The new Dokan Pro 3.0 has gone through a major refactoring.
That means its code structure has improved significantly. It will obviously help improve the performance of the plugin as it will run faster and load faster.
Also, you will experience a smoother and more optimized performance of the premium modules due to the updated and improved code structure. The codebase is reorganized in a cleaner way so that feature enhancement will be faster and less complex from now on.
Documentation Link With Every Module
When we try a new product or plugin for the first time, the first question that comes to mind is how to use it. Blogs tell us the usage of the product or the plugin. However, we get the best idea from the documentation of the product.
Documentation is the user-manual of any product.
That is why it is important to maintain and update the documentation. We already mentioned that Dokan has some amazing modules that make managing an eCommerce marketplace easy. For every module, we provide documentation as the modules are somewhat complex.

However it is time-consuming to find the right documentation. Keeping that in mind Dokan Pro 3.0 comes with the link to documentation of that particular module built within. That way you can get the idea of how the module works straight away.
WooCommerce 4.0 Compatible
As you know Dokan is very dependent on WooCommerce. In order to use Dokan, you have to install WooCommerce first. So, if there were any conflicts with the plugin the Dokan users had to face some serious issues.

Recently WooCommerce 4.0 was released. Earlier, Dokan had some compatibility issues with this version of WooCommerce. But the good news is now Dokan is perfectly compatible with it now. You will not face any problems.
Other Notable Fixes & Improvements
The above-mentioned improvements were not the only ones. There are more fixes and improvements that have come with Dokan Pro 3.0. Have a look at the changelog below.
- Now you will get an outdated template warning on the vendor migration page while adding a new product addon
- When the vendor accesses the backend, he can see the Dokan menu due to a store review permission issue (Store Review)
- Remove required field attributes on the product edit page ( Product Addons)
- Customers can place an order from sellers who are on vacation (Seller Vacation
- Dokan now prevents duplicate order creation on Stripe 3ds checkout (Stripe)
- You can make the vendor staff permissions label translatable (Vendor Staff)
- MAP on the store listing page is not showing if the Google API key field is empty but Mapbox (Geolocation)
- Modifying the product from the Admin backend reverts the product location to `same as store` (Geolocation)
- If the admin has earned from an order, only then refund the application fee (Stripe)
- Brand support for single product multi-vendor and normal clone products (SPVM)
- Make store support template overridable (Store Support)
- The plugin build process is improved with a script to upload built zips on BitBucket
These are the fixes and improvements you will get when you upgrade to version 3.0. It will make your life managing your own marketplace much easier.
Dokan v3.0.2: Introducing the Dokan Vendor Subscription Product Module
Last month Dokan Pro 3.0 was released with some major improvements. Now the plugin is performing faster than ever and also it went through some major refactoring. However, no new modules were released. But now with the new 3.0.2 version, it has a new Vendor Subscription Product module.
Those who are familiar with building marketplaces have heard about WooCommerce. Those who are in the subscription business surely know it has an extension called WooCommerce Subscription. It allows admins to create subscription products for the customers. Not for the vendors.
Then we introduced the Dokan Vendor Subscription module that helped the admins to create highly customized subscription packs and charge vendors. As you can see, one thing was missing. There were no options for the vendors to create their own subscription products.
Dokan Vendor Product Subscription will allow vendors to create and sell their own subscription products for the customers. It is mainly for the vendors.
This module is a WooCommerce subscription integration. Now,
- Vendors can capture residual revenue with recurring payments
- Easily estimate the gross collection of their store
- Build a strong relationship with the customers
- Increase engagement
- Ease of distribution
- Loyalty
So, you can see there are many perks this new integration can bring to the marketplace. If any vendor wants, they can now sell different types of courses, services, SaaS products, and many more subscription-based products.
Subscription businesses are now on the rise. Not only it provides business consistency it also creates marketing opportunities. Therefore, to give vendors the opportunity to get into the subscription business we are introducing this module.
Now hopefully you have understood what this module can do for you, let us see how you can set up for your marketplace.
How to Setup Dokan Vendor Subscription Product Module
Basically, what the admins can do with the WooCommerce Subscription module at the backend, the Dokan Vendor Subscription Product brings it all in the frontend for the vendors.
But still, this module is somewhat complex. So, we are going to guide you through how to set up the module. Then hopefully you will be able to utilize it properly.
So, let us begin with the steps shall we? We are going to show you all the details.
Before starting you need to make sure you have all the necessary plugins installed. You need to install
- Dokan Lite
- Dokan Business (Version 3.0.1)
- WooCommerce
- WooCommerce Subscription Module
Setting Up Subscription As a Vendor
There are two types of subscriptions for the vendors.
- Simple Subscription
- Variable Subscription.
We will first see how to set up the Simple Subscription first.
Creating Simple Subscription Products
In a Simple Subscription, you can create only one type of subscription for a product. For example, If you selling a magazine in only one state, therefore, you can create a single subscription for the customers of that state.
Here are the steps to create the subscription.
1.Create A Product
You need to create a product first. Just go to the vendor dashboard and select Products from the left sidebar. Now click on the Add New Products button. Fill up the necessary information and upload an image if you want. Then hit the Create Product button to finish.

2. Select Simple Subscription From the Drop- Down Menu
After creating the product, you need to Edit the product. On the edit page you will find a product type drop-down menu. There select the Simple Subscription option.

3. Set up the Necessary Fields
Now, you need to set up the necessary fields to complete creating the product. You need to set,
Subscription Price: This is the most important part as you need to ensure you much you will charge for your product.You can charge renewal payments using a billing period of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
Subscription Expiry Date: You need to set the expiry date of the subscription plan. However, subscriptions products with Never expire
set in the field can renew indefinitely as long as renewal payments are successful.
If you create a yearly subscription plan for your magazine and charge $5 a month, also the length of the subscription is 11 months. Then your plan will look like :
Subscription price: $5 every month
Expire after: 11 months
Sign up Fee: This sign-up fee is in addition to any recurring amount that you have set for the subscription product. For example, if you create a subscription product for $70 per month with a $100 sign-up fee, the subscription’s initial total during checkout will be $170.
However, when a subscription has a sign-up fee and a free trial, only the sign-up fee is charged at the beginning of the subscription period. If there is no free trial period set on the subscription product with a sign-up fee,
The price charged= sign-up fee + recurring first month’s total.
Free Trial: This period is added to any length you set for the subscription. This option will give your customers the opportunity to have a test run of your product before buying.
For example, if you create a subscription of $10 per month for 8 months with a 1-month free trial period, the subscription will expire after 9 months.

After setting all the fields, hit the Save Product button and you will able to view the product.

Creating Variable Subscription Product
Variable Subscription is like the Variable Product. For instance, if you are selling a course as your product, you can charge different prices based on the locations of the course. However, you need to create Attributes and Variations first.
Attributes: It is the name which you are going to create variations for. Like, if you selling various courses you can create an attribute like location, months, online, offline.
Variations: You can create various variations. For example, if you have a location attribute you ca create variations like Singapore, USA, Maldives, etc.
To get started, select the Variable Subscription product type from the Drop-Down menu.

Now, you need to add Attributes. Click on the Add Attribute button.

Also, set the Attribute name, to add various variations you need to use after a variation “|”. For example, “Singapore | USA”.
Hit the Save Attribute button to finish.
Remember to choose the “Used for variations” option.

However, in different product attributes, each variation in a Variable Subscription can have a unique:
- Sign-up fee
- Trial period
- Recurring price
- Billing period
- Subscription length

Hit Save Variations to finish.
Now you can view the product with Variable Subscriptions.

However, if you want you can see the number of subscriptions the customers have purchased. Click on the User Subscriptions button from the sidebar of the dashboard and you will be able to see which subscriptions have been purchased.

Having said that, if you click on any of the subscription you will be able to see all the details regarding that subscription.
How to Buy Subscriptions As a Customer
When the customer wants to buy a subscription product, the process is very simple. Just click on the Sign up button and the product will be added to your cart.
Then, go to the Cart page and add necessary information to Checkout. That's it. After successfully purchasing the product, he/she can view the subscription products on My Subscription page on his/her account.

If he/she clicks on the View button. they will be able to see all the details regarding the product.

It is as simple as that.
Related Article: Learn more from the documentation.
Final Words On Vendor Subscription Product
The subscription business model is becoming a great way to earn good money. That is why many people are going for it. In the midst of that, the Vendor Subscription Product module will open the door to this path.
Dokan has taken a play from the WooCommerece playbook and taken it one step further with this new Vendor Subscription module.
The vendors that were looking to get into the Subscription Business will now have the opportunity, and the marketplace owners will have more users because of that.
So, what are you waiting for, grab your copy of this exclusive model and take your marketplace to the next level.
Dokan Pro 3.0.3 Release Note: Facebook Messenger Got Added to Dokan Live Chat Module
Dokan Live Chat with Facebook Messenger integration is finally here!
Live chat is the fastest way of communication for sellers and buyers, especially for eCommerce platforms. Live chat reduces waiting hours, gives quick solutions with on the spot answers, bridges the conversation gap, reduces unnecessary costs, saves productive time.
We have been getting requests from our beloved customers to add the Facebook Messenger to Dokan Live Chat for a few months. Especially during this global outbreak. So that our team has taken it as a priority and introduced the feature. Yes, now your customers can reach you through Facebook as well.
So, let's not waste time and show you how to integrate your Facebook Messenger with Dokan Live chat.
How to Integrate Facebook Messenger with Dokan Live Chat

You need to follow some easy steps to integrate Facebook Messenger with Dokan Live Chat.
1. Requirements
Before starting, pls check that you have-
- Dokan Lite
- Dokan Pro 3.0.3
- WooCommerce
Also, you need to set up your Facebook account (if not already have). Without a Facebook account, you can not set up this integration.
2. Set Up Your Own Facebook Page (Optional)
Assuming you have your own Facebook ID and Page. If not, you need to create a Facebook Account and page first. Let's see how to create a page in Facebook with having a personal ID.
You can easily create a page in line with your online store. On top of the menu bar select the ‘Create' Option from your Facebook account.
You will find few options like Page, Ad, Group, Event. Select Page.

You’ll get options including local business or place, brand or product, and cause or community. Create the page that suits you.
When you click on a business type, a new box will open asking for a few further details, like the page name and category. Next, when you click on a category, you will get large sub-categories. Just select your desired category and click on the continue button

Now you need to add a picture to give your page a recognition. So it is important to create a good visual impression. That is why you need to upload a proper image for your page related to your store.

Step 2 of the process is to upload a cover photo for your page. The image must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 high. Hit Upload a Cover Photo to finish.

Now, your page is created. Your page will look something like this.

Go to the Settings option on top right of the menu bar.

3. Copy URL & Add Domain
Now you need to copy a URL provided by Facebook and also you need to add your Store URL as the domain. These will help Facebook connect to your store.
Therefore , on the very next page, among the many options, choose Messaging, and click on it.
If you scroll down to the bottom you will find your “Your Messenger URL“. Copy the link and save it for later use.
Now, you need to add Messenger to your website. Click on Get Started beside Add Messenger to your website option.
Remember, you need to add your Store URL as your domain URL. Hit Save. Lastly, click the Finish button to end the process.
So you are finished with the Facebook part of the whole process. Onto the next part of Dokan live chat with Facebook Messenger.
4. Setting Up Dokan Live Chat Module
Onto the second and final part of the process. However, we are assuming you have installed Dokan Pro 3.0.3, you need to enable the Dokan Live Chat module.

Next, navigate to Dokan>Settings>Live Chat.

So, to enable Facebook Messenger, select the Facebook Messenger option from the Live Chat settings. Hit Save changes to finish.
5. Add Facebook Messenger URL to Your Store
Remember, we told you to copy the “Your Messenger URL” to use it later. Now you are going to need it here. Go to the vendor dashboard. Click on Settings.
On the next page, if you scroll down, you will find options Enable Live Chat, Facebook Page Id. Only add the number from your Messenger URL you copied earlier. Click on Update Settings to finish.

Now, once you visit your store, click on the Chat Now button, you will see a pop up with the Messenger icon. Whenever a customer visits your store, he/she will see this pop-up and can chat with you directly with any kind of inquiry.
Now you can easily chat with your customers and boost your sales through messenger marketing.
Read the full documentation on how to use Dokan Live Chat.
How This Integration Will Help You
As you probably know, over 2.6 billion people use Facebook every day. So Facebook has become a huge opportunity for eCommerce businesses Worldwide. Therefore, this integration will obviously open many doors. Because
- 53% of users are more likely to shop with a business they can message directly
- You can earn 15 times more engagement than any other standard ads
- Average issue solving time-42 seconds!
- Appeals to 73% of your customers, which is 44 % more than phone or 61% more than email support
- You can develop more strong and personal connections with your customers
- There is an option to promote private message links
- Sharing location is easy through Messenger
- You can attach documents.
So, you can see how beneficial this integration can prove for you.
Among many exclusive modules, Dokan has the Store Support and Product Enquiry modules that are also related to customer support and service.
The Store Support requires creating a ticket and is only available for existing customers. Whereas, Product Enquiry is mainly a simple email form and is primarily for users with non-urgent queries.
However, the Live Chat module provides instant communication, unlike these modules. Customers get the experience of receiving quick solutions and get answers to their short to big inquiries.
In other words, it fills the conversation gap. Now, the Dokan Live Chat with Facebook Messenger integration will add an extra dimension to customer support. And that will surely give your sales an extra momentum.
Dokan v3.1.0
- [new] Vendor Analytics
- [new] Live search with autocomplete list
- [update] Refactor and fix stripe connect module
- [fix] Add gateway fee payee indicator in admin report logs
- [fix] Booking confirmation not working when trying to confirm it from the booking list
- [fix] Text domain fix on export and import fix
- [fix] Activate only available modules during plugin activation
- [fix] Product type not changing to grouped
- [fix] Branding issue on Dokan seller search on store list page
- [fix] Vendor earning in order details after the refund
- [fix] Vendor export statement in report
- [fix] Remove external product type from subscription allowed product types
- [fix] Subscription product price not saving when WC auction plugin active
- [fix] Featured sellers showing more than limit
- [fix] Product tags search not working properly on quick edit area
- [fix] Text domain issue when report abuse delete in js end
- [fix] JS console error fixed on report abuse module edit product page
- [fix] Text domain missing on Wholesale module
- [fix] Subscription plan page design broken when different language use
- [fix] Vendor product csv import ui issue
- [fix] Dokan Pro core email template locations
- [fix] Store default geolocation when creating product first time
- [fix] Coupon product and exclude product field move to search select with variations
- [fix] Missing report header in csv
- [fix] Missing translation string for Dokan Subscription module
- [fix] Product variation toggle issue, variation downloadable file delete issue
- [fix] Product inquiry email spelling mistake
- [fix] Vendor can modify other vendor product
- [fix] Multi vendor duplicate SKU
- [fix] Vendor not getting email confirmation
- [fix] Can not quick update products when product limit reached
- [fix] Product addons vendor staff vendor view
- [fix] CSV import feature column to false if not admin
- [fix] Export wholesale column missing
- [fix] Edited product status not working properly
- [fix] Simple subscription layout break when vendor subscription active
- [fix] Product add-on type File upload does not show the file on vendor order
- [fix] Auction start,end field disable from keyboard
- [fix] Announcements week days to month
- [fix] Product discount price scheduled issue
- [fix] Import restriction on subscription category
- [fix] Wholesale customer registration email to admin
- [fix] Report custom date not working for daily sales & statements
- [fix] New refund request email not sending to admin
- [fix] WooCommerce deprecated function changes
- [fix] Refund issue with decimal formatting number order total
Dokan v3.2.0
- feat [Livechat] Added WhatsApp provider for livechat
- feat [Livechat] Added tawk.to provider for livechat
- new [Geolocation] Added new settings where admin can set whether to display the map in shop or store listing page or both page
- new [Store Support] Added Store support form for single product page
- new [Vendor Subscription] Added separate email subject and body for subscription cancellation and alert emails
- new [Vendor Subscription] Added Dokan upgrader to move existing vendor subscription data to new keys
- new [Vendor Subscription] Update Billing Cycle Stops fields if Billing Cycle Type changes
- update [Vendor Subscription] Changed product_pack_startdate and product_pack_enddate value from date() to current_datetime(), this will fix timezone mismatch
- update [Vendor Subscription] Changed _subscription_period_interval, _subscription_period, _subscription_length into _dokan_subscription_period_interval, _dokan_subscription_period, _dokan_subscription_length. This was causing conflict with WooCommerce Subscription
- update [Vendor Subscription] Disable email verification if subscription module is enabled in the registration form
- fix [Import Export]: All metadata are not exporting
- fix [Auction] Dokan auction product addons are not saving
- fix [SPMV] Fixed seller can clone product using sell this item without a subscription
- fix [Vendor Subscription] Product duplicate button based on active subscription
- fix [Booking] Booking buffer period duration unit label is not translatable
- fix [Vendor Subscription] Email Subscription Ending Soon email is never sent
- fix [Vendor Subscription] Recurring payment is not canceling if admin assigns non-recurring subscription from the admin dashboard.
- fix [Vendor Subscription] Subscription purchased by PayPal was canceled immediately if subscription pack is not recurring
- fix [Vendor Subscription] Added additional fee if commission type is combined for non-dokan payment gateways
- fix [Stripe] Multiple stripe webhook was creating, moved webhook creation code under activation/deactivation hooks, deactivate and active module to apply these changes
- fix [Stripe] Fixed fatal error if the source string is empty if users try to change payment method from my account page
- fix [Stripe] Fixed fatal error if the order value is less than or equal to zero for Stripe 3DS mode, this was causing the whole payment to fail.
- fix [Auction] Relist feature is unavailable on the vendor dashboard
- fix [Auction] Vendors can not add & save new tags on Auction type products
- fix [Elementor] Fixed Elementor module causing issue with support ticket mail
- fix [Geolocation] Fixed Mapbox issue with RTL supported language
- fix [Geolocation] Fixed Geolocation position settings left and right area
- fix [Geolocation] Geolocation map autozoom when getting long distance between multiples stores/products locations
- fix [Export/Import] Hide export button when no product found for that author
- fix [Vendor Analytics] Vendor analytics deprecated warning
- fix [Subscription] Delete recurring subscription key after a subscription has been deleted
- fix [Store Support] Fixed wrong order reference URL in support tickets in WooCommerce my account and Dokan vendor dashboard area
- fix Product add pop-up validation error message style fix
- fix Fixed dokan_admin js var undefined issue at add/edit product page
- fix Fixed undefined ID notice while creating products from vendor dashboard
- fix Downloadable options panel not showing
- fix Fixed Vendor Setting to discount on order calculation error
- fix Fixed product view undefined index error for post_type
- fix Dokan Shortcode Block returns “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.” error while trying to add a shortcode
- fix Fixed WPML conflict with menu and widget page when users try to switch between language
Dokan v3.2.1
- feat: External product support added for vendor
- feat: Added rest api support for follow store
- new: Announcements 3 new options added enabled sellers, disabled sellers, featured sellers
- new: Added Announcement menu for vendor dashboard
- new: Vendor withdraw area added threshold days if that vendor have individual
- new: Disable “Support Button” for single product page in vendor settings page when Admin disable support from admin settings.
- fix: Fixed some PHP 8 warnings
- fix: Vendor report date filter conflicts with non english / local languages set as site language
- fix: Apply product lot discount on order
- fix: Typos in edit product page and subscription page
- fix: Whole price is not stored as decimal when decimal separator is comma
- fix: Combine commission field is missing on setup wizard issue fixed
- fix: Vendor analytics menu not showing for administrator users issue
- fix: Turn off geolocation autozoom for single product page
- fix: Mapbox zoom icons missing issue fixed
- fix: Elementor buttons icon missing issue resolved
- fix: Error showing in store support ticket details if order remove somehow
- fix: Dokan pages duplicate issue fixed when try to use tools from Dokan admin area
- fix: Parent SKU not saving on variation product issue fixed
- fix: Warning showing product listing page when imported product
- fix: Design related problem in all logs issue report in Dokan admin area
- fix: Deprecated Gplus cleanup
- fix: Fixed an issue where booking details page showing index error warning
- fix: Booking SKU not saving, hidden input problem
- fix: Some filter was being used as action
- fix: Product Discount price is not updating if vendor subscription module is active
- fix: Admin dokandar staff module access issue fixed
Dokan v3.2.2
- new: [Stripe] Added 3DS auth flow for changing payment method from My Account -> Payment Methods page
- new: [Stripe] Added Change payment method for subscriptions from My Account -> Subscriptions for Stripe 3ds mode
- new: [Stripe] Added failed order processing feature for both Stripe 3ds and non3ds payment method
- new: [Stripe] added metadata for stripe transactions for 3ds mode, this will help track transfers made on vendors account and the vendors will also be able to track orders made on their account.
- new: [Stripe] Added support for renewing subscription via modal for stripe 3ds mode
- new: [Stripe] Implemented automatic refund for stripe 3ds mode (refund will be processed from admin stripe account, then the transferred amount from vendor account will be automatically reversed to admin account)
- new: [Stripe] added announcement notice if vendors stripe account is not connected with stripe (both 3ds and non-3ds). In 3ds mode, if vendor stripe currency is not similar to site currency they will also receive announcement notice. Added two new admin settings to control this behavior.
- new: New action hook added – dokan_auction_before_general_options
- update: Product image support added for new order email vendor staff
- update: Dokan shipping multiple issues fixed and some enhancements
- update: show store name instead of selected vendors if announcement sent to a single vendor in announcement listing page.
- Enhancement: Dokan tools page “Install Pages Button” disabled after successful Installation of page
- Enhancement: Stock unwanted management options removed
- fix: [Stripe] fixes non3ds refund-related issues (refund doesn't work if a vendor is not connected with stripe.)
- fix: [Wirecard] Floating point error on Wirecard integration
- fix: [Store SEO] dokan_sellers-sitemap.xml file returns uncaught error
- fix: Product review list, empty bulk action error
- fix: variable subscription and variable product conflict
- fix: Sale Price: Sale price is not working with the variable product.
- fix: Products: Date Picker is unavailable for product variations
- fix: Store Email: The Store Email sends an email from the WordPress email instead of the site admin email
- fix: Booking: Booking shows order number when the booking status is In Cart
- fix: Booking resource label does not display after save
- fix: store review data display and pagination
- fix: loco translate strings can not be translated
- fix: Featured stores Elementor widget is broken issue fixed #1146
- fix: Reply to custom email added on product inquiry email #1181
- fix: Store support form conflicting with Elementor in the single store page
- fix: Fatal error on RMA details page when product somehow got deleted issue fixed
- fix: Pagination not working on vendor return request page issue fixed #1152
- fix: Store link added on RMA request page
- fix: Vendor search filter form widget not working for vendor search issue fixed
- fix: Auto-zoom set minimum zoom label check with admin option
- fix: The external product type fields show permanently
- fix: Report Export and filter date range in different language does not work
- fix: Germanized plugin support for email verification footer placement
Dokan v3.2.3
- feat: Digital and Physical product types selling option for vendors
- new: Verification clickable link added on new staff notify email body
- new: IP and agent info removed from product enquiry email
- new: Store support for WooCommerce customer my account order details page
- new: Product shipping tab added continent countries and states data
- new: The Per Class calculation type option is selected by default for flat rate shipping
- new: Add new filter hook on admin vendor report order status filters
- fix: Vendor category box hide when outside click on store listing page
- fix: Translation issue fixed on store support modal
- fix: Vendor product quick edit product status not changing issue fixed
- fix: RMA script loading issue on product edit page
- fix: Variation product not working with RMA issue fixed
- fix: RMA: Customer is seeing the default Refund Reasons instead of the overridden refund reasons set in the edit product form
- fix: Vendor setting page store support for product option fully disable when disabled it from admin
- fix: Wrong instruction for the map zoom level in the geolocation settings fixed now
- update: [Stripe] Rearranged Stripe API Credentials Fields on Stripe Connect Payment Gateway Setting page
- fix: [Stripe] Error: Cannot charge a customer that has no active card, while checking out as guest
- fix: Fix the dokan-hide class placement on the store-settings.php
- fix: Germanized for WooCommerce and Email Verification conflict
- fix: user subscription pagination query
- fix: Generate Shortcode Button doing_it_wrong error
- fix: RMA individual product warranty type
- fix: product import updating another vendor product
Dokan v3.2.4
- feat: Shipping Status for vendors
- new: Attach source to customer object first so that payment get processed successfully and then remove source if necessary: stripe non3ds
- fix: Android product live search issues fixed
- fix: Vendor variation product import error fixed
- fix; Store category not saving from setup widget
- fix: Updating product details using Quick Edit resets the Shipping Class
- fix: Does not reflect today's report in sales by day or overview
- fix: Product doesn't go offline while activating vacation mode
- fix: Product status changes to online if product updated from quick edit in vacation mode.
- fix: All log table filter in translation for admin reports
- fix: Vendor can create tag in product import support
- fix: Vendor store page title replace with store SEO title
- fix: Store follow email triggering though email is disabled in WC email
- fix: Update store progress bar when stripe connected
- fix: Refund amount and tax over refund check
- fix: ‘Cannot charge a customer that has no active card' error if trying to process payment from guest user with non-connected vendors
- fix: Set newly added card as default payment source while updating a vendor subscription
- fix: Don't save card if save card checkbox is not selected – Stripe 3DS
- new: Live search with suggestion set by default
Dokan v3.3.0
- feat: [module] Added a new Payment Gateway named ‘Dokan PayPal Marketplace' under Dokan Pro Business and Enterprise Plans
- feat:: [module] Added a new module named ‘Delivery Time: Let customers choose their delivery date & time' for all Dokan Pro Plans
- new: [Elementor] Added product filtering options for Single Store Page Elementor widget
- new: [Elementor] Added SPMV support for Ssingle Store Page Elementor widget
- new: [Elementor] Added Social widget support for Single Store Page Elementor widget
- new: [Elementor] Added RMA module support for Singe Store Page Elementor widget
- new: Added a new settings to enable/disable Product shipping tab and optimised query for vendor available shipping listing
- new: Added a Register button on login popup form
- fix: Removed existing role from an user while user become a vendor
- fix: Set admin default map address as Geolocation data when a new seller is registered
- fix: Shipping tax status from vendor shipping methods have no effect
- fix: Left/Right Map position redirect to the another page issue fixed
- fix: Subscription pack list broken when use difference languages
- fix: Unusual number of emails to the vendor staffs on a new order
- fix: Disabled shipping zone on single product tab if methods not found
- fix: Become a vendor button not showing when user role is other than customer
- fix: Wrong direction for shipping status email templates issue fixed
- fix: Disabled shop query when geo map turn off from dokan admin settings
- fix: [SPMV] Sell this item not showing when vendors subscription module is enabled, but the subscription is disabled
- fix: [Booking] Cancellation time gets changed from Weeks to Months after saving a Cancellable Booking Product
- fix: Return Request – Conversations issue for special characters
- fix: Store dropdown vendor name placeholder changed to Store Name in admin reports page
- fix: Login Popup css fixed for guest user
- fix: Email template override directory location correction
- fix: RMA policy content format now saves correctly
Dokan v3.3.6
- feat: [Booking] Added manual booking support feature for vendors
- new: Order note for Suborder and main order added when an refund request gets canceled.
- new: Added Net Sale section under vendor dashboard where Total order amount was deducted from the refunded amount
- new: Dokan a new button to get admin setup wizard on tools page
- new: Added Apple Signin feature under Dokan Social Login ( https://dokan.co/docs/wordpress/settings/dokan-social-login/configuring-apple/ )
- new: Added refund request canceled notification email template for vendors
- new: Implemented sorting feature for admin Refund page
- fix: [Booking] fixed Dokan booking details shows wrong order information after admin creates manual booking from WordPress admin panel
- fix: [Elementor] Fixed deprecated warning notice while customising store page with Elementor module
- fix: [Elementor] Fixed WhatsApp doesn't get Store Name and URL in Elementor
- fix: Fixed Shipping class amount adding with other shipping class amount issue
- fix: Fixed inconsistency on sales report for refunded order due to caching issue
- fix: [Booking] Display fatal error, after deleting booking product which is associated with any customer.
- fix: [Wholesale] The wholesale price digits next to the comma removes while saving variations from the admin screen
- fix: [Vendor Subscription] Getting error while canceling the Vendor Subscription if subscription order gets deleted
- fix: [Stripe] Fixed last used card number was always stored on stripe non 3ds mode for non-subscription products
- fix: [Product Addons] vendor addon validation applies to all vendors' products if add to cart url was accessing from browser address bar
- fix: [Vendor Verification] Fixed WordPress site health shows critical issues when the vendor verification module is enabled (PHP Session)
- fix: Fixed Social Login style is broken on the checkout page login form
- fix: Fixed Social API Logins has session Deadlock issues by setting session time to 5 minutes
- fix: Fixed fatal error while changing order status if product has been deleted
- fix: [Product Subscription] Fixed product subscription pagination problem under vendor dashboard
- fix: [Vendor Subscription] Fixed vendors can publish their products under review also
- fix: Admin Refund page search by store name wasn't loading refunded list items
Dokan v3.3.7
- feat: Store Location Pickup: Customers no longer have to wait for their product's delivery but rather collect it at their preferable time. They can choose from vendor-provided single or multiple pickup locations during check out and grab their purchases conveniently.
- feat: [PayPal Marketplace] Vendor Subscription support added for Dokan PayPal Marketplace Payment Gateway
- new: [Vendor Subscription] filter subscription by package and by stores
- new: [Vendor Subscription] Sort subscription by start date
- new: [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Relation Type column added under WooCommerce order table, (support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
- new: [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Related Orders meta box added under order details page (Support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
- new: Added export order permission for staffs, vendors and admins
- update: auto process api refund for orders placed using non dokan payment gateways
- update: [Vendor Analytics] User readable Analytics chart data title added
- update: [Import/Export] sample file download link added in Vendor product CSV import form
- update: Center map on location search in store listing geolocation
- fix: fixed js deprecated warnings on various pages
- fix: [Elementor] multiple deprecated warning fixed
- fix: Refund amount and tax over refund check
- fix: Dokan Pro interference removed from WooCommerce Product Import
- fix [RMA] Fixed multiple warnings.
- fix [RMA] Only display correct/selected refund reason in new RMA request page.
- fix: [RMA] RMA not working for variable product
- fix: Fixed product attribute value sanitization issue
- fix: [Vendor Staff] Remove admin login url from vendor staff email
- fix: hide dokan shipping setting after WPML activation
- fix: SKU not importing when ID field is blank
- fix: Export all button disabled when there is no data in vendor
- fix: Hide product addon settings when creating a grouped product
- fix: Post object and type check when change vendor support topic status
Dokan v3.3.9
- feat: [Auction] Added auction activity feature for vendors
- new: Added two new filter hooks named dokan_pro_scripts and dokan_load_settings_content_shipping so that some feature can be extended via theme authors
- update: [PayPal Marketplace] Added 60+ new country supports for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module.
- update: [Geolocation] Detect user geo location automatically
- fix: [PayPal Marketplace] Vendors, previously, could not purchase any product if they are subscribed to a vendor subscription plan, which has now been fixed
- fix: [Delivery Time] Vendor dashboard's Store Settings form fields were not saving if delivery time module was enabled
- fix: [Geolocation] Fixed search filter URL redirect issue. Previously, when a user submitted Dokan geolocation filter form, it was redirecting in the current page URL instead of the Store listing page.
- fix: [Product Inquiry] Vendor Contact form didn't contain “Reply To” email address when a customer would contact a vendor via the product inquiry form. Issue has been resolved now.
Dokan v3.4.1
- new: [Vendor Verification] No email sent to vendors after vendor verification status has been changed #1569
- new: Added date filter on Dokan —> Reports —> Logs page #1397
- update: [Geolocation] Reset Geolocation fields data after user clears that fields in WooCommerce shop page #1574
- update: [Vendor Verification] added four new action hooks after verification submit button in vendor dashboard (dokan_before_id_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_phone_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_address_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_company_verification_submit_button) #1572
- update: [Vendor Subscription] Added trial text after trial value on vendor subscription list page #1571
- update: [Auction] some sanitization issue fixed for auction module #1496
- update: Now Export button will export all logs based on applied filters #1397
- fix: [Product Subscription] Added missing param on woocommerce_admin_order_item_headers hooks #1578
- fix: Product variation image upload button wasn't working due to js error #1575
- fix: [Geolocation] Geolocation fields asking for user address each time user visit shop page #1574
- fix: Fixed WC mail template overwrite wasn't working #1567
- fix: [Vendor Subscription] fixed Vendor Subscription category limitation doesn't work in the quick edit panel.
- fix: Vendor Dashboard created coupon expired date doesn't work correctly #1560
- fix: [Import/Export] Fixed importing products does not get the store geolocation data #1475
- fix: ‘Connect With Wirecard' button in vendor payment settings page was hidden, now it is shown #1526
Dokan v3.4.2: Accommodation Booking, Shipping, SEO Improvements
Dokan is the best multi-vendor marketplace plugin in the WordPress repository for years. You can easily create a marketplace with its amazing features and earn commission from vendors.
You may already know that WooCommerce is the most popular single eCommerce site builder for WordPress owned by Automattic- the company behind WordPress! Dokan works based on WooCommerce.
Dokan brings new features and improvements with its regular updates. In the last few releases, there have been some new features added to Dokan to make your eCommerce journey easier.
In today's blog, we are going to discuss the new features from Dokan latest version 3.4.2, and also some of the major updates from the previous versions.
What's New in Dokan's Latest Version (v3.4.2) for Marketplace Owners

There have been back-to-back releases of Dokan with some notable features, improvements, and fixes. These features will have a drastic impact on your marketplace along with improving your marketplace experience.
We are going to list down the new features that have been released in the previous few releases:
- Accommodation Booking for WooCommerce Booking Module
- Distance Rate Shipping
- Search and Filtering Options for Support Tickets
- Date Filters on Dokan Logs
- Admin Coupon Support for Vendors
- Rank Math SEO Integration
- Product Bulk Edit Feature
- Company Verification Feature
Let's dig down the deep and show you how you can get benefits from these new additions-
1. Accommodation Booking for WooCommerce Booking Module
Dokan has integration with the WooCommerce booking extension that brings all the booking options to the frontend. This helps vendors create booking products right from their vendor dashboard. In the WooCommerce extension, the admin can also create accommodation booking products that make it possible to rent and lease hotel rooms, homes, apartments, or other spaces to customers.

With this product type, store owners can offer,
- Rates for overnight stays
- Ability to calculate special rates
- Reservations that span nights instead of days
- Check-in/check-out times listed on the product page, cart and order.
With the Dokan 3.4.2 version, we have added the Accommodation product option in the frontend. That means vendors now can add accommodation options while creating bookable products from their dashboard.
2. Distance Rate Shipping
In the previous release, we have added the Table Rate shipping module to Dokan. In the latest release, we have added the Distance Rate Shipping feature along with that.
Calculating shipping based on distance has always been a nagging problem for store owners. Moreover, incorrect shipping charges can be a reason for a bad customer experience and could lead to cart abandonment.

However, WooCommerce lets you set up flat shipping rates based on different geographical locations.
That is why our users have been asking for this shipping option so that even vendors can imply distance rate shipping. With this option,
- Vendors can calculate shipping rates based on distance or total time travelled
- Also, vendors can charge extra based on the number of items, cart value, weight, etc
- Easily integrates with Google Maps Embed API
- Moreover, vendors can use the advanced configuration option to set rules based on all your business requirements.
This feature in Dokan latest version (v3.4.2) will reduce the dependency on third-party plugins and increase the performance of your marketplace.
3. Search and Filtering Options for Support Tickets
Among the many modules of Dokan, there is a Store Support module that provides customers with a ticket-based support system right from the store page.
This module helps with the communication between vendors and customers as customers are able to create support tickets on the store page. Moreover, customers can create support tickets based on their order id, so it becomes easy to keep track of all the support tickets.

Also, vendors are able to reply to those tickets right from the vendor dashboard. But the problem occurs when there are too many support tickets. Finding a specific support ticket was difficult.
That is why we have added the search and filtering options in the Support section of the vendor dashboard.
They can filter the support tickets by,
- Customer name
- Date of creation
- Support ticket id.
4. Date Filters on Dokan Logs
This is a small but very important feature. Dokan has a report section that logs all the actions happening in the marketplace. In the All Log section, you can search for an order by setting “Filter by vendor”, “Filter by status”, and “Search by Order” options.

We have added the new “Filter by Date” feature in Dokan 3.4.2 so that you can search the logs more efficiently.
5. Admin Coupon Support for Vendors
Coupons are a great way to attract new customers and get loyal ones to come back for more. WooCommerce includes simple yet powerful coupon functionality that fits most stores’ needs right out of the box — which means you can start offering coupons with WooCommerce in just a few clicks.

However, with the “Admin Coupon Support for Vendors ” feature of Dokan, admins can create coupons for vendors apply them to any specific vendors, products. Or they can exclude vendors, products as well.
6. Rank Math SEO Integration
Rank Math Integration with WooCommerce simplifies the whole technical SEO process for your eCommerce store. Although setting up Google Analytics for any website is a standard procedure, but setting up tracking for an eCommerce store is fairly tricky as you need to pass some key actions like,
- Refunding orders
- Canceling orders
- Completing orders and more.
Thankfully with the built-in support for Rank Math SEO in WooCommerce, you can easily add the Google Analytics tracking code to your WooCommerce store.
The good news is Dokan now has integration with Rank Math SEO now and vendors can optimize their stores for search while editing products.
7. Product Bulk Edit Feature
There may be thousands of products in the vendor's store. WooCommerce lets admins edit the products in bulk. That not only saves time but also increases efficiency. However, vendors weren't able to do that from their vendor dashboard and were facing some trouble while editing the products.
In the Dokan latest version, you will find that vendors can now edit products in bulk from their vendor dashboard.
8. Company Verification Feature
The Vendor Verification module helps the market owners to verify the vendors and increase the authentication of their marketplace. We have added a new feature under this module “Company Verification“.
Now users can verify their company with proper documentation after signing up for the marketplace.
However, along with these features, there were some bug fixes as well. Check out the Dokan fixes from here.
Bonus: Dokan Lite 3.3.2 Released
If you want to start your marketplace right away then you can start with the free version. It has enough features to get you started. Keeping up with the trend we have now released Dokan Lite 3.3.2 with some more improvements and fixes.
Now, you can experience more smooth and optimization while managing your marketplace.
Upcoming Features for Dokan Pro
As we said, Dokan is updating regularly. And with every new release, we try to bring new features and updates. So, In the upcoming releases, there will be some exciting new features. Here is a sneak peek of the upcoming features for Dokan's new releases.
Min/Max Quantity
This feature allows vendors to define minimum/maximum thresholds and multiple/group amounts per product (including variations) to restrict the quantities of items that can be purchased. The Min/Max Quantities extension lets you set up quantity rules for:
- Set a minimum and maximum quantity required to checkout
- Set a minimum and maximum cost (of cart items) required to checkout
- Exclude products from said rules
- Minimum and maximum quantity required
- Group/multiples required (e.g. you must purchase in groups of X)
- Per-variation control of the above product rules
Automatic Withdraw Disbursement
The automatic withdrawal disbursement feature will help the admin manage withdraws more efficiently. Those manes, admin can schedule the withdraws and vendors will receive their earnings automatically at the scheduled time. Also, vendors can also request to withdraw their earnings as well.
Dokan Product Search Clone on Single Product Multiple Vendor
This feature will help vendors to clone products right from the Add New Product page. Previously, vendors could clone products only from the Products page. With this new feature, now vendors can copy any product from the marketplace while adding a new product.
They will find a search box and there they can search for similar products and copy them. After copying the product the vendors will find all the details on the product edit page.
Moreover, there are more features in the pipeline that are waiting for a release like,
- WooCommerce Dropshipping Integration
- Request a quote feature
- Seller Badge
- Reverse Withdrawal feature
- And more.
Keep an eye on our website for updates.
Dokan v3.5.2
- new: [SPMV] Added product search feature under Add New Product page if Single Product Multi Vendor module is enabled. #1576
- update: Added seller verification badge under Store listing page, single store page, and single product page #1708
- update: Option to close progress bar if profile completeness score is 100% #1726
- update: [EU Compliance Fields] Added EU Compliance Customer Fields in Order details Billing and Billing section of Customer profile #1724
- update: Module page design updates #1754
- fix: [StoreSupport] Activating Store Support from Modules has no reflection on the single store page unless vendor update their settings #1702
- fix: Tools – Page Installation Pages button does not work appropriately #1719
- fix: Hide add new coupon button from coupon create page #1720
- fix: Shipping continent is not being shown under the shipping tab on the single product page. #1721
- fix: [Booking] Disable shipping option when virtual is enabled for bookable products #1722
- fix: [Booking] Resource available quantity field is empty #1723
- fix: Added Dokan Upgrader to delivery time schema updates #1770
- fix: Styles are not being saved If the announcement is drafted or edited after scheduled #1771
- fix: [Booking] Showing an extra comma in the Booking resource's Parent products when a connected product is deleted. #1772
Dokan v3.6.0
- new: [Module] Request for Quotation Doc Link# https://dokan.co/docs/wordpress/modules/dokan-request-for-quotation-module/
- chore: Minimum WooCommerce version is set to 5.0
- chore: Minimum WordPress version is set to 5.4
- update: Now vendor can choose if a Free shipping rule should be applied before or after deducing the coupon discount amount.
- update: [StoreSupport] Added Store Support unread ticket status icon, and added email settings and new email templates to send support status email to admin.
- update: [Auction] Added filters to the auctions products under vendor dashboard
- update: [Auction] Added email search in auctions activity page
- fix: With a manual booking, vendor is being charged instead of the customer
- fix: Fixed a translation issue for automatic withdraw page's minimum withdraw amount
- fix: Vendor shipping zone is not selected properly on the cart page due to caching issue.
- fix: Stop the nonce verification failed message after saving store settings
- fix: [Auction] Fixed pagination under auctions products list page
- fix: [SPMV] min/max price show product not working if cloned products price diff is less than 1.
Dokan v3.6.1
- new: Stripe Express – Enable split payments, multi-seller payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, iDEAL and other marketplace features available in Stripe Express.
- new: [ProductAdvertising] Added reverse withdrawal support
- new: [PayPal Marketplace] Added reverse withdrawal payment purchase support
- update: [MangoPay] Some UX for MangoPay payment settings in vendor dashboard.
- update: Introduce a callback to withdraw methods to determine if a seller if connected to that withdraw method
- fix: Negative vendor earning entry while refunding a multivendor order fully.
- fix: marketplace coupon bound to some vendors applies to other vendors' products
- fix: vendor coupon applies to sale items even if its exclude sale item flag is true
- fix: [MangoPay] Empty state error was being thrown for some addresses where state is not required.
- fix: [Stripe Connect] Payment element's designs of other Stripe gateways were breaking.
Dokan v3.7.2
- new: [ColorSchemeCustomizar] Added dashboard navigation active menu color settings.
- update: Removed default values from withdraw disbursement settings
- update: [ColorSchemeCustomizar] Added dashboard navigation custom border color settings.
- fix: [Stripe] Fixed fatal error on parsing gateway title and a warning after checkout is completed
- fix: Fixed data clear pop not showing after checking the data clearing settings checkbox.
Dokan v3.7.4
- new: [Elementor] Single store page Featured, Latest, Best-selling, Top-rated products widget for Elementor module
- new: Introduced a new filter hook named
- new: Product Inline Edit Support Catalog Mode for Products
- new: [Booking] Added Catalog Mode support for Booking Products
- new: [RequestAQuote] Added Catalog Mode support
Dokan v3.7.5
- new: [Auction] Multistep product category implementation for Auction Module
- new: [Booking] Multistep product category implementation for Booking Module
- update: No message after clicking the
save changes
button on the vendor dashboard Ship Station settings - update: Display active and inactive module count under the Dokan module page
- update: [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Added extended supports for Color Scheme Customizer module on frontend
Dokan v3.7.8
- new: [DeliveryTime] Added per day multiple delivery time slot support
- new: [VendorSubscription/StripeExpress] Added Stripe Express support for the Vendor Subscription module
- new: [ProductSubscription/StripeExpress] Added Stripe Express support for the Vendor Product Subscription module
- update: [DeliveryTime] Updated vendor delivery time UI.
- update: [DeliveryTime] Added delivery type (Home Delivery/Store Pickup) settings for admin
- update: [DeliveryTime] Added store pickup time section under vendor dashboard order details page, also under the wooCommerce order details page store pickup-related information is displayed.
- update: [DeliveryTime] Now vendors' will be able to switch Delivery Time to Store location pickup from the order details page.
- update: [DeliveryTime] Added
Full Day
support for delivery time for both admin and vendors. - update: [DeliveryTime] Added email notification support for customers after modifying order delivery time from the vendor dashboard.
- update: [DeliveryTime] Added email notification support for customers & vendors after admin updates order delivery time from the wooCommerce admin dashboard order panel.
- update: First day of the delivery time widget was set according to the site settings.
- update: [Stripe Express] Added support for SEPA Direct Debit payment method to be used in favor of iDEAL during recurring vendor subscription
- update: [Stripe Express] Removed Wallet payment methods from Add payment method page as they are not needed there
- update: [Stripe Express] Removed Dokan prefix/postfix from customer/vendor end
- update: [Stripe Express] Added theme-changing option for Stripe payment element
- update: [MangoPay] Updated the MangoPay API library to the latest version.
- update: [MangoPay] Set card payin with 3ds2 as mandatory
Dokan v3.7.13
- new: Extended REST API support for Dokan
— https://example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/vendor-dashboard/profile-progressbar
— https://example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/rank-math/{id}//store-current-editable-post
— https://example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/blocks/product-variation/{id}
— https://example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/products/{id}/variations/{id}
— https://example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/products/{id}/variations/batch - new: Added a filter hook named
to control vendor biography form arguments - new: Added a filter named
hook to control PayPal marketplace default product type - update: Allow vendors to add new values to predefined attributes
- update: Added a new section to regenerate variable products author under Dokan → Tools page.
Dokan 3.7.14
new [Module] Seller Badge: Offer vendors varieties of badges by their performance in your marketplace.
[API] new endpoint to duplicate product via API: /dokan/v2/products/:id/duplicate
Dokan v3.7.17
- new: [StripeExpress] Support for cross-border onboarding and transfer within the boundary of the European Union and SEPA
- new: [NewVendorDashboard] Added support for Rank Math Module
- new: [NewVendorDashboard] Added support for Geolocation Module
- new: [StripeExpress] Added support for purchasing product advertisement via Stripe Express
- new: [MangoPay] Added support for purchasing product advertisement via Mango Pay
- new: [FollowStore] Added API endpoint to get a vendor follower list (wp-json/dokan/v1/follow-store/followers?vendor_id=1)
- update: [StripeExpress] Optimized payment request buttons implementation on the cart page
- update: [SPMV] Removed the capability to clone Grouped Products.
- update: [PayPalMarketplace] Display a formatted error message if a refund request gets canceled due to insufficient balance under the vendor's PayPal account.
- update: [PayPalMarketplace] Set PayPal product type to PPCP only if UCC mode is enabled and supported otherwise product type will be selected as Express.
- update: [HPOS] Added High Performance Order Storage support for MangoPay and StripeExpress
Dokan v3.7.19
- new: [API] Added new API endpoint for SPMV module, endpoints are
— www.example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/spmv-product/settings,
— www.example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/spmv-product/search,
— www.example.com/wp-json/dokan/v1/spmv-product/add-to-cart - update: [StripeExpress] Moved some CSS code to the Astra theme support folder.
- fix: Fixed a design issue under the Social profile link on the vendor dashboard.
- fix: [ProductReviews] Fixed bulk actions are not working on the review list page under vendor dashboard
- fix: Fixed some PHP warning under admin dashboard users profile edit page
Dokan v3.7.23
- new: Added API support for withdrawal disbursement vendor settings.
Below new API endpoints has been added:
{{site_url}}/wp-json/dokan/v2/withdraw/disbursement/disable - update: [VendorVerification] Added Email template support for the emails triggered by the vendor verification feature.
Updated vendor verification document approval emails to use an email template file instead of being written directly in the code. Also, the email templates are now fully translatable. - update: [VendorAnalytics] Added support for Google Analytics version 4.
We understand your concerns about the closing of the Google Analytics API for Universal Analytics and the move to only support Google Analytics Version 4. Our team has worked hard to ensure a smooth migration from UA to GA4. You can now create new Streams and/or migrate your data and metrics to Google Analytics 4. - update: [VendorAnalytics] Removed product quantity and URL size restrictions for analytics queries.
We understand the frustration caused by the URL size limitation in the Google Analytics API V3. With the update to GA4, we're happy to announce that this restriction has been lifted. - update: [VendorAnalytics] The date format for the “From” and “To” date pickers now matches the website's date format.
Previously, these fields displayed dates in the default browser format of ‘yy-mm-dd'. This ensures consistency in the display of dates across the website. - update: [RequestAQuote] Customers now receive an Order Confirmation email when their quote is converted to an order, providing clarity on the status of their quote.
Customers now receive a new Order Confirmation email when their quote is converted to an order. This update addresses previous uncertainty about the status of quotes by sending a notification to the customer as soon as their quote is approved and ready for payment.
Dokan v3.8.0
- update: Added HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage) support for Dokan Pro.
- update: Updated minimum PHP version requirement to 7.3
- fix: [StripeExpress] Resolved an issue where the refund request gets canceled upon the vendor initiating the request.
Previously, When a vendor initiates a refund request through the Dokan Stripe Express payment method, the refund request is automatically canceled. This issue has been fixed now.
Dokan v3.8.1
- [VendorSubscription] Fixed an issue where subscription was getting cancelled automatically.
The Reasons Why Dokan Is the No.1 Multivendor Marketplace
Initially, Dokan started out as a theme. Introducing Dokan Latest Version (v3.4.2): Accommodation Booking, Shipping, SEO Improvements now it lets you set up an e-commerce store with WooCommerce. You can easily turn your WooCommerce site into a full-fledged multi-vendor marketplace in less than 30 minutes. You can create a site for,
- Electronics shop
- Air BnB
- Baby Shop
- Envato Themes and many more.
You can start your eCommerce site with only Dokan lite. But if you want to take your marketplace to the next level then you will need the exclusive features of the Dokan Pro version. It has,
- Best frontend experience
- Supports 20+ modules
- Compatible with any WooCommerce themes
- Multiple product types
- You can easily set product attributes, shipping, downloadable products, set expiration to downloadable products, etc
- Multiple commission types (percentage, flat, combine)
- Custom widgets (Best vendor, Featured vendor, etc.)
- Coupons feature expiry and restriction options
- Detailed Reports and Statements
- Bird's eye view of site-wide sales and earning both for admins and vendors
Bonus: Dokan Lite 3.0.2 Released
If you want to start your marketplace right away then you can start with the free version. It has enough features to get you started. Last month Dokan Lite 3.0 was released with some exclusive updates. Keeping up with the trend we have now released Dokan Lite 3.0.2 with some more improvements and fixes.
Now, you can experience more smooth optimization while managing your marketplace.
Final Words on Dokan Lates Releases
WooCommerce lets you create only a single multivendor marketplace whereas with Dokan you can create a multivendor marketplace within 30 minutes.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your copy and start building your own marketplace now!