Forcing Subscription Pack For Post Submission
In WP User Frontend plugin you can enable two types of payment from Users for post submission.
- Pay per post
- Subscription
If you want to force your user to buy a Subscription pack for post submission you need to
Go to wp-admin→User Frontend→Post Forms and select a for. Click on Edit button.

Next, click on the Settings option on top of the toolbar.

There go to the Payment Settings option. There you will find the option for Force pack option. Enable it.

Then go to Subscription menu and add a new subscription pack. For reference, we have already created a subscription pack. If you are facing any difficulty you can visit here to know more about how to create a subscription pack.

Create a Form from Post Forms menu. Here we created a Sample Form for reference. You can create any type of form you like or if you need guidance you can see this documentation on how to create a form.

Now paste the Shortcode of the Sample Form to Add a new page and hit Preview.

Front end view of force subscription option when a user tries to submit a post.

If the user clicks on the purchase a pack they will be redirected to the available subscription packs that the Admin offers.