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December 8, 2014 at 6:01 pm in reply to: date format 31995
Alfredo Alfredo

Joanne, what you refer to is the date picker. Sekander said, about four months ago in this same thread, that wedevs won’t be doing anything about that at the moment.

I still think this is an issue (more nagging than anything, but still), and pretty sure it’s tied to the other issues we’ve been discussing. All seem to relate to the date picker implementation in one way or another, and probably if one of them is fixed, the others will go too.

Still, IMO there’s no point taking it up until the update is in at the end of the month. After that, if the issue still is there, then I’ll have another go.

I couldn’t find the date picker in the code, but I suppose it’s there somewhwere. We’ll see 🙂

December 4, 2014 at 5:34 pm in reply to: date format 31836
Alfredo Alfredo

OK, I think I understand. What you call the calendar is not the actual big Calendar in the front-end, but a date-picker, where you for example choose start and end for time tracking a todo.

Yes, you’re right, the date-picker is wonky, it has its own files and isn’t affected by the changes we’ve been discussing. I have an open ticket because, for me, it sometimes reads UK time, and I’m on CET… mixes one time with another. And another now closed ticket because while I didn’t like US format in the date-picker, the resulting written date was in the right format and wedevs felt it wasn’t a big issue…

Mind you, it wasn’t a big issue for me, but does cause confusion when more than one person is using the date-picker. In my case it’s only me, other users cannot make their own changes 😉


December 4, 2014 at 4:11 pm in reply to: date format 31821
Alfredo Alfredo

I think the calendar is a different file-subplugin. I remember I had to add week numbers and change the starting day to Monday in a js minified file – the issue is somewhere in the support forum (search for Alfredo and you’ll find it). So no, I don’t expect it would affect the calendar. This would affect milestones, time logger plugin, todo lists, etc.


December 4, 2014 at 3:43 pm in reply to: date format 31819
Alfredo Alfredo

My date changes to whatever i put in the code, so it works for me. On the other hand, if i comment out the date format in functions.php, wordpress custom settings take over, and that’s what I actually use

If you manage to fix it, don’t forget to post the how, why and wherefores. It’ll help others (and the developers too)

Best, and good luck. /A.

December 4, 2014 at 3:21 pm in reply to: date format 31814
Alfredo Alfredo

sorry, just tested and works perfectly for me changing the date format in functions.php – so either it’s something conflicting there, not in the project manager pro plugin but somewhere else… can’t see what else could be done, apart from waiting for wedevs support and give them your login and ftp so they can test themselves…


December 4, 2014 at 2:48 pm in reply to: date format 31809
Alfredo Alfredo

$format = ‘l, F j, Y';

December 4, 2014 at 2:47 pm in reply to: date format 31808
Alfredo Alfredo

without the // before, because that comments it out, won’t work

December 4, 2014 at 1:44 pm in reply to: date format 31802
Alfredo Alfredo

Oh dear… the only solution I can think of, as your installation seems to have so many probs and you want to have this up asap, is to do a quick-and-dirty.

Put the line with the date format back, and change there the format to, for example, ‘j M, Y’. If the project managaer is taking over, that should change it (you may need to deactivate the extra extended date plugin, don’t know.

As I wrote in my previous one, there’s the link to the WordPress codex for other date format codes, so you can specify a different one, for example ansi, or writing out the month in words, etc


December 4, 2014 at 1:29 pm in reply to: date format 31799
Alfredo Alfredo

Glad it worked for you. It did work alright for me without the extra plugin, but obviously not all installations of WordPress are created the same 😛

Cheers, //A

December 4, 2014 at 12:07 am in reply to: date format 31745
Alfredo Alfredo

Hi Joanne,

1) a couple of small things. I’m not a member of wedevs, just another user like you. If you mark your replies as ‘private’ you’ll have to wait until the guys in Bangladesh wake up, and nobody else in the support forum will be able to chip in with their knowledge/experience (I still can see your answers because I saterted this thread andI receive them as email)

2) if you don’t get any error, then you should go to wordpress settings and change the format there. As long as that line is commented out (or simply delete it, as Sekander proposes), then it won’t interfere with wordpress own settings.

3) Be sure that not just the time is set to local Perth, but the format as well, which is a separate setting (I suspect that may be causing the issue)

4) If nothing else helps, then I guess you could use brute force, and restore the problematic line in functions.php, only change ti to the format you want. For example, UK format: ‘j M, Y’

a full format code reference is in the wordpress codex (you can use this too in the date format settings, custom, in wordpress):

Hope it helps. Cheers //A.

December 3, 2014 at 10:57 pm in reply to: date format 31739
Alfredo Alfredo

Hi Joanne,

what I did is just follow the instructions given by Sekander. Comment out the line. The line should look like this:
// $format = 'M j, Y';
maybe the blank space between // and $ is important in PHP and it’s why you error out…

Then, when that line is no longer interfering, just define the date format as you want it inside wordpress settings.

Cheers, //A

November 27, 2014 at 3:59 pm in reply to: change time tracker time zone 31296
Alfredo Alfredo

sent log in creds to you by mail. And it’s strange you can’t see the screenshots. I can see them, even from other computers than my own (and I tested with 4 or 5)…

November 12, 2014 at 8:33 pm in reply to: change time tracker time zone 30304
Alfredo Alfredo

Sorrye, one time registered by the stop watch and the other manually /A

November 12, 2014 at 8:27 pm in reply to: change time tracker time zone 30303
Alfredo Alfredo

the stop watch works, but when you go to the log, start time and end time registered by the stop watch and the one registered manually are different. This was taken just now and shows, naturally 1 hour difference (what would be in London now, but I’m on CET.

Cheers, /A

November 8, 2014 at 12:30 am in reply to: change time tracker time zone 29969
Alfredo Alfredo

the img tag doesn’t work …. here’s a link instead:

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