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Owen Owen

After quite a bit of research into building my our variable subscriptions and access controll solution. I’ve realized it’s a very complicated solution to architech, which is why independent product packs have been the solution implemented more widely. For this reason I’m marking this resolved.

It’s a fairly big feature with no clear solution.

Owen Owen

Good news!!!!!!

Seems like everything works well as long as your product packs are not recurring

Did the above scenario:
Adaptive Payments
Parallel Configuration
Product Pack

none of the above issues/oddities occured

Owen Owen

Another oddity

When using the parallel payments configuration, the taxes show up on the paypal receipt as a second store/product line item

Owen Owen

Another broken case:

I also tested buying a subscription pack using adaptive payments configured to use parallel payments

Although the payment went through, the products were not allocated in this scenario either

The product pack was configured as recurring

Owen Owen

In addition:

Please let me know definitively if subscriptions can be processed using Dokan Adaptive Payments.

Having multiple gateways is really confusing for customers and dealing with and fixing issues is really expensive to manage.

Ideally that would be the cause, if it should work I’d love to know so i can figure out what I’d doing wrong and make that happen. Thank you.

Owen Owen

I take it you are referring to this sentence? “However, this will not work for recurring subscription pack purchases.” on the last question here?

That explains one of the issues somewhat.

I guess you didn’t read through the details of the thread to see the issues 🙂

It helps in that I now know I can’t use subscriptions for my use case and waisted the $50 I used to buy it until it works as described in the marketing material. I’ll try to restate the problem to make it easy for you understand and what I need to know is if you can help me make it work, or if I can get a refund. Simple.

I need a way to charge sellers on a recurring basis of access to the store, possibly with a trial period or a free tier. That’s it. I cannot do that right now.

Adding a free subscription pack only appears to work, but doesn’t allocate any products after checkout. This is not documented anywhere.

The plugin only works to sell product credits through a single payment. They can only be charged once, because if recurring payments is implemented it will be an administrative nightmare to get each payment to go through as it only works when the payment is initiated the second time from the my account> orders area and there are no manual controls. So that’s not practical making that feature useless as well.

I hope that helps you understand the issues I’ve encountered. If what I said above isn’t accurate and you can help me get it working given your knowledge of the product please advise. If not let me know if I can get a refund and when the product is actually ready for purchase.

I want to be a customer, but replying read the documentation after all the time i’ve spent testing so far is making it hard to do business with you. I love what you’ve created here but in some cases as you well know you’re selling smoke. I’m aware that it takes time to get everything stable and I’m trying help you guys get there by reporting what doesn’t work.

I really want this to work out.


Owen Owen

**Note** I don’t mean to start a mutiny, the fact is that the weDev team has helped me to do more that I could on my own, in a lot less time. So I value your work. Although, I’m frustrated by my expectation that everything would work immaculately on the first try, I understand this is a complicated piece of software and it was delivered in a very quick timeline. My hope is that it will become more robust and stable over time, so i’ll be a QA tester for you guys in hopes it will make it easier to improve. When I report something not working it’s to get it done, not to criticize.


Was able to get the points allocated in one scenario.
In my last comment I was using adaptive payments for both store and subscription payments.
I setup a paypal standard gateway in addition to the adaptive payments and used that.
It didn’t work through the checkout process
But after going into my orders, and paying there it worked.

One other thing I noticed was the message above the products listing was still indicating that I had no points but the form for creating a product showed up, so the logic on the notice is wrong.

Not sure how to resolve this yet, the current state isn’t usable. I’ll continue testing today.

Owen Owen

tested it with paypal and got the payment to go through but nothing happens on the subscriptions side.

Any tips on getting this to work will be greatly appreciated.

November 19, 2014 at 2:34 am in reply to: Orders query not working in front end 30730
Owen Owen

So it’s been a week

with 0 progress towards understanding the issue.

I guess you’re job here is to be a gatekeeper and deal with simple issues.

I’ll close the ticket since it’s seems this help forum is a phasaude

I’ll figure it out myself

November 15, 2014 at 10:44 am in reply to: Orders query not working in front end 30502
Owen Owen

any luck?

November 14, 2014 at 10:13 am in reply to: Orders query not working in front end 30453
Owen Owen

Any ideas?

November 13, 2014 at 2:08 pm in reply to: Orders query not working in front end 30377
Owen Owen

I’m using an older version of Dokan. I’m on the latest version of woocommerce, and I am using pretty permalinks using %postname% and product

I noticed in the newer version that it now has a order sync function.

Can you recommend a fix or do you mind getting and posting the fix you implemented in later versions? I made customizations to the theme and it’s not feasible for me to update to the newer version in a reasonable time.

It’s evident this is a known issue. Let me know after you do some research.

Thank you.

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