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August 20, 2015 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 68314
jacky wong jacky wong


Thanks for the info. I m glad to know that. What is the release date for the updated version?



August 20, 2015 at 4:40 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 68305
jacky wong jacky wong


Are there any updates on this? When are we going to receive a fixed update version?




August 18, 2015 at 11:29 am in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 67747
jacky wong jacky wong


I can see the status is closed but the problem still exist. Are you still fixing this or it will be fixed for the next update version?


jacky wong jacky wong


I can see the support status is closed but i m still having this problem on my website. Are they still working on it? Or there will be a fixed update version? Thanks

August 17, 2015 at 4:48 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 67629
jacky wong jacky wong


I have provided the login details as per your request. Please let me know when this is fixed.

Thank you for your help


August 17, 2015 at 1:48 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 67574
jacky wong jacky wong This reply has been marked as private.
August 17, 2015 at 1:43 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 67571
jacky wong jacky wong


I have tried your way by setting up a shipping class called virtual with a shipping cost of $0. Then changed the shipping class for the download version as virtual. But the problem still exist. Can you advise further on this?


August 17, 2015 at 12:57 pm in reply to: Dakan Adaptive Payment-Customer pays the fee 67558
jacky wong jacky wong


I do understand the payment process. What I want to know is how can I set up the Dokan adaptive payment plugin to make the customer pays the PayPal transaction fees for a chained payment transaction. The document that you have provided doesn’t mention anything about that.

Can you advise?

jacky wong jacky wong

Hi Nayem,

I have provided the login details as per your request. Please advise me when this is fixed.

Thank you for your help


August 16, 2015 at 11:23 am in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 67239
jacky wong jacky wong

Hi ,

This will not solve the problem as the system just applies the additional cost to the virtual product.

The problem is the system recognize the virtual product shipping cost is zero as it is a virtual and should not have any shipping cost but then it is adding the additional shipping cost on it.

This is clearly an error, can you please advise to your developer team and get this fixed? I dont want anymore arguments and more time being wasted. I just want this to be fixed.

Example 1

Default shipping price is $10
Additional shipping price is $20

If i buy both virtual and physical products

The system calculates the Total shipping cost as $10 + $20 + $20 = $50 (Which is wrong)

Example 2

Even if you set the shipping class price or default shipping price as zero

Default shipping price is $0
Additional shipping price is $20

If i buy both virtual and physical products

The system calculates the Total shipping cost as $0 + $20 + $20 = $40 (Which is wrong)


August 16, 2015 at 10:52 am in reply to: Seller profile Review page not found after updated to 2.4.2 67232
jacky wong jacky wong


Any updates on this?


August 14, 2015 at 12:15 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 67004
jacky wong jacky wong


Can your developer add a code to prevent the override shipping cost to apply on a virtual product as this is an error?



jacky wong jacky wong


I have compared V2.4.1 and V2.4.2 of the review.php files and i can see there are some codes missing such as line 14 public $custom_store_url = ”; line 25 $this->custom_store_url = dokan_get_option( ‘custom_store_url’, ‘dokan_selling’, ‘store’ ); etc.

As this is not mentioned in the change log, can you advise what changes we have for the review?



August 13, 2015 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Seller dashboard Social Profile not working 66936
jacky wong jacky wong


Thanks Towhid, i can see it now. However, I just tried to add the facebook link with my username but failed to save it. How did you save the link?



August 13, 2015 at 5:06 pm in reply to: Shipping Cost Error 66923
jacky wong jacky wong


I still think this needs to be fixed. As again, the system applies the shipping cost to a downloadable product and i dont think my clients will accept this. This scenario may also happen to other businesses not just me, like if you are selling book, ebook, games, music etc. There are other options to do this, which i suggested earlier, simply just let the user to type in the shipping cost for each product.

By the way, can you advise the file location for the override shipping cost function?



Viewing 15 Topics - 1 through 15 (of 87 total)