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July 31, 2015 at 12:02 pm in reply to: Double Dashboard – Seller 64567
Gil C Gil C

Double Seller's Dashboard

July 25, 2015 at 3:18 pm in reply to: Which File to Edit for Seller Dashboard Order 56870
Gil C Gil C

Dear Nayem,

Have located the file, but I don’t know which line to add my text in? I know what code to use, but can’t find the right place!


July 25, 2015 at 3:16 pm in reply to: Seller Edit Order Status too many options 56869
Gil C Gil C

Dear Nayem

Thanks for your consideration and I’m looking forward for Dokan to get even better with open source collaboration like this where everyone is really receptive to changes and opinions 😉

Shall mark this as resolved.


July 22, 2015 at 3:45 pm in reply to: Seller Edit Order Status too many options 56623
Gil C Gil C

Hi Nayem,

This is just something that I think people will consider as an important feature to have in the future version of dokan. Because it is very unsafe and scary if a seller can so easily change the order status from cancelled back to completed which will make an automatic email be sent to the buyer and an amount that sellers do not deserve will be credited to their account.

Perhaps create a php function file for seller dashboard which is slightly different from the admin or maybe only limit what the seller can do to just changing order status from processing to complete. Any other changes need to be done by the administration.

It’s just a suggestion for the future.
Thanks for considering and kind regards

July 14, 2015 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Removing Some Functions 55711
Gil C Gil C

Hi Nayem

In your opinion, is what I want to get done an easy thing or quite complicated to do? The website is almost complete now and this is actually the last thing left! We would love to engage a developer at some point to do things gor the site, but as we are a start up at the moment, I hope you can understand that we are trying to keep costs down till it actually gets moving.

Kind regards

July 14, 2015 at 3:05 pm in reply to: Removing Some Functions 55668
Gil C Gil C

Dear Nayem

Thanks for the info! Is there any particular codes I should be editing out? There is the line for tab options which u can edit out,should I be editing out more of the code? Are there other files which this function should be edited out too?

July 13, 2015 at 12:43 pm in reply to: Removing Some Functions 55405
Gil C Gil C

Dear Nayem

Hmm, I see. In that case when the seller is editing their product, would it be possible to remove the shipping tab from one of the options (ie the page with the length×weight×height and overrride shipping option)

Thank you for the update on the coupon menu!

Kind regards

June 20, 2015 at 8:58 pm in reply to: Questions about Emails 52573
Gil C Gil C

Morning Towhid!

Any update on this front here? Its been 12 days since our final correspondence.

Looking forward to your response and kind regards

June 8, 2015 at 8:13 am in reply to: Questions about Emails 46425
Gil C Gil C

Thank you towhid! Appreciate it and hope you have a lovely morning 🙂 Keep up the good work

June 5, 2015 at 10:38 am in reply to: Editing the Product Edit Page 46193
Gil C Gil C

Hi Towhid!

Sounds brilliant! Thanks, it worked perfectly! Now, on the same product edit page, when a Seller wants to start adding a new product, on the first page he gets sent to, I want to edit those placeholders wants to add a new product, I would like to change the placeholder for the text box with the current placeholder ‘Short Description about the product.’ Where can I do this?

The First product edit page a Seller gets directed to the moment they want to create a new product

Kind regards and best of luck!

June 5, 2015 at 10:29 am in reply to: Questions about Emails 46192
Gil C Gil C

The links are here, to help you visualise what I mean and the simple change I would like to try and achieve!

June 5, 2015 at 10:28 am in reply to: Questions about Emails 46191
Gil C Gil C

Hi Towhid,

Thank you for your help with helping me find where to edit the placeholder in the edit product page. Again, it seems I need your help here!

Just to reclarify the change I would like to achieve. It’s a very simple change to the order email – I just want to add in 2-3 words, with no extra formatting or rows or columns required – I just want to add the name of the shop next to the product name on the order email.

Original Order Email received by Buyer

New Order Email with 2-3 words added only

I know it sounds really simple, but this will make the emails EU compliant, but I just don’t really know how to edit and add this to the current default email!

Kind regards and awaiting your response!!

May 28, 2015 at 6:35 am in reply to: Editing the Product Edit Page 45404
Gil C Gil C

Hi Towhid,

I am trying to create an extra text box because I want to display 3 types of information. However, I understand if that is quite a difficult thing to do, and would prefer if you could advice how to:

ONLY edit the placeholder in the bottom text box which is coded as below in dokan/templates/product-edit.php:

< ?php wp_editor( esc_textarea( wpautop( $post->post_content ) ), ‘post_content’, array(‘editor_height’ => 50, ‘quicktags’ => false, ‘media_buttons’ => false, ‘teeny’ => true, ‘editor_class’ => ‘post_content’) ); ?>

How do I edit the placeholder in this code? Which file can I find the placeholder in?

Kind regards


May 23, 2015 at 10:42 pm in reply to: Editing the Product Edit Page 45003
Gil C Gil C

Alternatively, how do I edit the placeholder inside the green circle. This is the code as seen in dokan/templates/product-edit.php :

post_content ) ), ‘post_content’, array(‘editor_height’ => 50, ‘quicktags’ => false, ‘media_buttons’ => false, ‘teeny’ => true, ‘editor_class’ => ‘post_content’) ); ?>

May 23, 2015 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Questions about Emails 45001
Gil C Gil C

Hi Towhid,

Thank you for your quick response! Look forward to hearing from you 🙂

Viewing 15 Topics - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)