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Showing custom fields

This topic contains 3 reply and 4 voices, and was last updated by Sekander Badsha 10 years, 6 months ago
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July 19, 2014 at 4:57 pm 23779
Sekander Badsha The weird thing is that WP user front end is automatically showing the custom fields in posts... But it shows them inside <li> and I cant modify somehow their behaviour. What I want to do: Im using ACF and I got the custom fields inside tabs. However, even though WPUF is writing the values in same fields as ACF, it shows them also separately. Can some one help me to solve this issue? Thanks! This is a problem because its the lsat puzzle I need before I buy the pro version.
July 20, 2014 at 12:44 pm 23793
Sk Sk

Hello Quang,

For the front-end view you can edit template as you want to show. Create a folder as the same name of the plugin in your theme. Create template folder in that folder. Copy template from wpuf/template/ and paste it to your-theme/wpuf/template/ (You have just created) edit the template as you want.

Thank you.

August 18, 2014 at 8:31 pm 25446
Cesare Cantagalli Cesare Cantagalli

Sorry, there is no template folder in wpuf

August 21, 2014 at 1:06 pm 25628
Sekander Badsha Sekander Badsha

Hello Cesare,
Shaikat got confused with the Pro version. Actually the Pro version does this pretty-much easily and has lot more customization options. Whereas you’ll have to navigate to wp-admin -> User Frontend -> Settings -> Others and uncheck the “Show custom fields in the post” and manually call the data from your theme with meta_keys.

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