How to Restrict Submission in WP User Frontend
The 2.8v of WPUF comes with options to schedule your forms and limit entries to your forms so that you have better control over your post forms. This also lets you create more effective campaigns and surveys.
Navigate to wp-dashboard->User Frontend->Post Forms.
1. Open a new form by clicking on Add Form or Open an existing form of your choice from the list.

When you open a form you will see 3 tabs at the top of the form: Form Editor, Settings, Notification.
2. Open the Settings tab.

3. Under Settings, open the Submission Restriction page from the side menu.

The Schedule Form and Limit Entries features are located below the Submission Restriction page.

4. To schedule your form, select the checkbox Schele form for a period beside the Schedule form. This will open up three more options for you:
- Schedule Period – Here you can set the starting date to receive submissions for your form. And the ending date after which your form will not receive submissions anymore.
- Form Pending Message – Here you can set a message to show to your users when they try to submit a form before its scheduled starting date.
- Form Expired Message: Here you can set a message to show your users when the form has reached its scheduled expiration date. After that, you won't receive submissions anymore.

To limit submissions to this form, select the checkbox Enable form entry limit beside Limit Entries.
This will open up 2 more options for you:
- Number of Entries – This number field allows you to input the number of submissions.
- Limit Reached Message – In this field, you can write the message you would like to show to your users when the entry limit has been reached.

After you are done making the changes, click on Save Form. Make the form live on your site like you usually do: copy the shortcode, paste it on a new or existing page, then click on publish.
Frontend View
When users try to submit entries to this form before its scheduled date, your customized message will notify them, as shown below:

When a user tries to submit an entry to this form while it has reached its restricted number of entries, your message will notify them about this, as shown below:

Also, when a user tries to submit an entry to the form after its expiration date, your customized message will notify them, as shown below: