How to Customize Post Form Settings
Navigate through WP User Frontend > Post Forms. Select an existing form or add a new form. Then select Settings > Post Settings.
Here, you will find some fields. They are:

Post Type
If you make any custom post types, then they will appear here.
Post Status
You can set the post status to whatever you wish. Your visitors or site's user's posts will be saved into that status. Next, click on the save form button on the right. Check out the screenshot below:
Post Format
It depends on the layout of the theme that you are using on your site. The dropdown will show the post formats that your theme supports.
Default Post Category
You can select the default category from your posts.
Default Post Category
If any user posts anything, this category will be set by default.
Redirect to
You can specify on which page the user will be redirected on the submission of a post.
Comment Status
With this option, you can specify whether the readers will be able to comment on a post or not.
Submit Post Button Text
By default, the button text is “Create Post”. But you can change it to whatever text you wish.
Post Draft
If enabled, the user gets the opportunity to save the draft of the post rather than publishing directly.

Form Template
Choose the form template from the dropdown menu.
Conditional Logic on Submit Button

With the release of weForms Pro (version 3.1.5), it is possible to hide and show the submit button using conditional logic. The conditional logic on the Submit button only works with four fields. Those fields are:
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Multi-Select
- Dropdown.
To hide or show the submit button using these fields, all you have to do is to set the condition and you will be through.
Enable Multistep

If you enable this option, the user will be able to submit his/her form in multiple steps.
And if you enable the Post Draft option then users can save the form as a draft in every step.