How to Display Form Settings
To configure the way a form looks, you have to navigate to WP Admin Dashboard → Post Forms → Hover your mouse icon on a form name and select the Edit option.
Find the settings in the menu.
Tap on the display settings.
Now, click on the Settings tab. Next, select Display Settings. After that, you will get three options to configure the display settings:
- Label Position
- Use Theme CSS
- Form Style
Label position
If you want to place the labels in different positions around the fields or elements of the form then you can use this option. The default position of the fields is set to the ‘Left'. But you can change the position of the label to the ‘Right‘ or ‘Above‘ of the field. You can even make them hidden or invisible too.
For example, you have the following form which has the labels with left positioning in WP User Frontend:
Now, you select the “Above Element” option from the drop-down menu and hit the “Save Form” button.
Now, if you click on the Preview button, you will see that the labels are showing above the fields and elements of the form:
And this is what your users will be able to see from the front.
Use theme CSS
This option allows whether to choose the theme CSS or the WPUF form CSS. If you select the ‘Yes‘ option then the forms will start using the CSS from the theme that you are currently using on your website. Otherwise, the form will get the default CSS value from the Plugin.
After selecting an option, make sure that you clicked on the “Save Form” button to save the changes.
Form style
The WPUF has three sample form styles. You can choose the style that fits your taste.
Consider selecting the one below, which has a red mark, and clicking the “Save Form” button.
Consequently, your users from the front will be able to see the form much like this:
This is how you can use the “Display Settings” of the WP User Frontend.