MailChimp subscription plugin for WP User Frontend Pro connects you to MailChimp server and allow you to subscribe new registered user to your MailChimp Subscribe lists. You could also send a confirmation mail to new registered user if he/she is interested to subscribe to your MailChimp list.
Navigate to your WP dashboard→User Frontend→Modules. Find MailChimp and turn on the toggle button on the top right to activate this module.

Connect to MailChimp Server
Insert your MailChimp API key to connect to the MailChimp server
after connecting to the server, it will show your connected API key and subscriber list
Add Subscriber
On creating a new registration form there is four simple steps to done with WPUF MailChimp add-on.
- Select the “MailChimp” tab.
- Make the “Enable MailChimp” checkbox on.
- Select your MailChimp subscriber list from the select box.
- Make the “Enable Double Optin” checkbox on (if you want to send a confirmation email to a new registered user)

Conditional logic option to run or skip MailChimp integration after submission
Admins can now allow users to select if they want to be added to MailChimp lists through registration forms. This feature works by GDPR rules so that users are informed and have the choice to opt out of being added to subscription lists for newsletters or other purposes.
To do this, add a radio field option to your registration form and edit it.

After creating the field, go to Form Settings and select Yes for Conditional Logic.
Select the field and the option as required from the drop-down.

Click on Save Form.
Now users will know if this form will add them to subscription lists and they can choose to opt out of this integration.