
A- A+

= v3.4.13 (7 Apr, 2023) =

* Enhancement - Conditional field enhanced and some more logic is introduced
* Enhancement - Upgrade emogrifier
* Fix - Subscriptions page error
* Fix - Spinner showing always before enable/disable auto-updates option

= v3.4.12 (24 Nov, 2022) =

* Enhancement - Multistep Form: Save draft on every step
* Enhancement - Password strength validation added
* Enhancement - show Password icon added
* Enhancement - Email hiding filter introduced in the user profile
* Enhancement - 'wpuf_message_floating_button_text' Floating button filter introduced for Private Message
* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_phone' User phone no filter introduced for User Directory
* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_email' User email filter introduced for User Directory
* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_url' User URL filter introduced for User Directory
* Enhancement - 'wpuf_profile_header_user_bio' User bio filter introduced for User Directory
* Enhancement - User Directory: Exclude user based on status pending/denied/approved shortcode (like: [wpuf_user_listing status_exclude="pending, denied, approved"] user from the listing
* Enhancement - User Directory: Provide a chat button on the listing profile [if the private message module is enabled]
* Enhancement - User Directory: Single listing page permalink/URL changing user-controller as per username
* Fix - text-area type selection(Normal, Rich text-area, Teeny Rich text-area) bug in field options
* Fix - Menu description not showing
* Fix - Conditional logic not working on meta-box
* Fix - Frontend form validation

= v3.4.11 (09 Mar, 2022) =

* Enhancement - Phone field added in form builder
* Enhancement - Time field added in form builder
* Enhancement - Meta key enhanced for user email notification
* Enhancement - Container added for instance track
* Enhancement - Email template enhanced for after activation
* Enhancement - Activity module enhanced
* Fix - Shortcode field label enhanced
* Fix - Non decimal currencies handled for stripe
* Fix - Rollback abuse through draft issue handled
* Fix - Post expiration not working fixed
* Fix - Conditional required fields error handled
* Fix - Profile form preview issue handled
* Fix - Template override for child theme fixed
* Fix - Special character password handled for login
* Fix - Coupon with no value error fixed
* Fix - Translation related issue handled for admin menu
* Fix - Conditional radio / checkbox with default value not working handled
* Fix - PHP 8 compatibility handled
* Fix - Email template settings issue handled
* Fix - Private message menu error fixed
* Fix - Math captcha value to single digit
* Fix - Invoice logo not found issue handled
* Fix - fpdf php 8 issue handled by upgrade

= v3.4.10 (28 Oct, 2021) =

* Enhancement - Featured item for subscriber
* Enhancement - Warning added for unsaved form data on frontend
* Enhancement - Editor added for registration form email template
* Enhancement - User directory admin user profile tab control for admin
* Enhancement - User directory frontend reset button, back to listing button added, design improvements
* Enhancement - User directory frontend settings profile header, user listing template images updated
* Enhancement - User directory frontend media file optimized
* Fix - Vendor registration form redirect issue handled
* Fix - License menu issues fixed
* Fix - Content restriction error handled
* Fix - Required address field conditional inconsistency fixed
* Fix - Tribe events calender data not syncing properly

= v3.4.9 (16 Sept, 2021) =

* Enhancement - Country wide tax rate option enhanced
* Enhancement - Missing state for address field added
* Enhancement - Roles in atts added for user-listing shortcode
* Enhancement - New option for redirection after pay per post payment in form setting
* Enhancement - Controller added for various email notification
* Update - Subscription Post expiration option change to input field
* Update - Campaign Monitor SDK update to latest version
* Fix - Subscription expiration notification inconsistency handled
* Fix - Invoice address not comply with customizer fixed
* Fix - PMpro integration inconsistency handled

= v3.4.8 (06 July, 2021) =

* Fix - Multiple repeat field not showing
* Fix - Missing semantic description for subscription email body
* Fix - Decimal tax value getting floor value
* Fix - Dokan vendor registration form custom URL redirection not workin
* Fix - Bulk form id settings option on various post tables

= v3.4.5 (12 January, 2021) =

 Fix - Stripe cancel doesnt work properly when deleting from stripe
* Fix - Register user unable to delete file after login
* Fix - BuddyPress integration has issue due to sanitization
* Fix - Social login avatar not working
* Fix - Dokan vendor registration state field
* Fix - QR code doesnt work on guest mode
* Fix - WPUF vendor registration redirect with setup wizard
* Enhancement - Sent email after publishing post

= v3.4.4 (11 December, 2020) =

* New - Added partial content restriction
* Fix - Email content formatting was not correct
* Fix - Rollback didn't work for custom post type
* Fix - Date field year and month didn't select properly
* Fix - Stripe trial didn't work properly
* Fix - Semantic subscriber email notification
* Fix - Undefined offset due to edit_posts capability
* Enhancement - View profile link didn't show

=v3.4.3 (11 November, 2020)=

* Fix - Optional password fields on edit profile forms
* Fix - Post expiration inconsistency
* Fix - Column's inside fields are not appearing on the BuddyPress mapping option
* Fix - Terms and conditions were not saving
* Fix - Remove conditional fields from action hook
* Fix - Take pack restrictions from pack when purchasing via pmpro plugin
* Fix - Revolution slider not working with report module due to chartjs color confilct
* Fix - WooCommerce product type form category child Of selection type is not meeting condition

=V3.4.1 (21st October, 2020)=

* Feature - Mathematical Captcha field
* Enhancement - No message is seen after sending the reset password email
* Fix - Invoice item name doesn't show
* Fix - Social URL doesn't show in user listing directory
* Fix - Wrong class name for attachment element
* Fix - Couldn't send email notification following user settings
* Fix - Taxes were not being calculated properly
* Fix - Stripe card design doesn't look right

=V3.4.0 (24th August, 2020)=

+* Enhancement - Gracefully handle the Google Map field if no Google API key found
+* Fix - Sending email when user status is pending
+* Fix - Preventing from go to next step in multistep form
+* Fix - Google API error in form builder in case of no Google admin settings found
+* Fix - User profile empty field value in user listing module
+* Fix - Showing uploaded file or image in user listing profile page
+* Fix - WPUF Pro JS conflict with WordPress v5.5
+* Fix - Subscription trial period issue for Stripe gateway

=V3.3.1 (16 June,2020)=

* Fix - User role issue when register using social login module
* Fix - Do not show social login buttons if module is not enabled in admin settings
* Fix - Prevent showing empty labels for fields that have render_field_data method
* Fix - Missing colon to numeric field label when render its data

=v3.3.0 (11 June,2020)=

* Tweak - Improve avatar upload to support CDN plugins
* Tweak - Make social login button URLs dynamic
* Tweak - Allow updating Dokan shop url from admin user edit page
* Fix - Stripe billing amount calculation for greater than 999
* Fix - Enqueueing google map javascript file
* Fix - Rendering social login icons in multiple form instances
* Fix - Menu restriction option showing twice in admin menu editor
* Fix - Avatar size display not complying with admin settings size
* Fix - Missing billing address in invoice PDF
* Fix - Redirect url after frontend form submission

=v3.2.0 (14th April, 2020)=

* **Enhancement** Add default value for email address and name settings
* **Enhancement** Update form builder help text
* **Enhancement** Update dokan vendor registration template
* **Enhancement** Update social login
* **Enhancement** Update field help text form builder
* **Fix** Show default error messages for pending and denied user logins
* **Fix** Error notices after registration
* **Fix** Conditional logic for categories loaded by Ajax
* **Fix** Condition to check account page
* **Fix** Hybridauth authentication
* **Fix** Confirm password list attribute.
* **Fix** Some tax related warnings
* **Fix** BP date/time field compatibility issue
* **Fix** Not logged in user can't subscribe a pack with payment method stripe
* **Fix** Event Calendar timezone compatibility issue
* **Fix** Newly register users notification is not showing the URL clickable
* **Fix** Some warnings in user directory
* **Fix** Allowing multiple files creates unaccessible files for downloads
* **Fix** Social login rest api issue

=v3.1.13 (3rd February,2020)=

*  [Enhancement]  Added some new styles for profile forms 
*  [Fix] Fixed stripe issues  
 * [Fix] Fixed Country List field is not responding to conditional logic
* [Fix] Fixed some Tax Settings 

=v3.1.12 (13th December,2019)=

 * [Fix] campaign monitor module throwing fatal error with no connectivity
*  [Fix] Fixed stripe issues  

=v3.1.11 (17 October, 2019)=

 * [Fix] Embed Field's meta key is missing in the field settings.
 * [Fix] Email confirmation link not working with bedrock environment.

=v3.1.10 (01 October, 2019)=

* [Fix] Conditional logic not working in the WPUF-Account-Edit profile page section.
* [Fix] user listing search feature not searching in user meta fields when selecting All for search by option.
* [Fix] Taxonomy restriction with a subscription package.
* [Fix] Couldn't add line breaks to the invoice mail body.
* [Fix] billing address not showing in the invoice.
* [Fix] Sending invoice email twice.
* [Enhancement] Add shortcode support to display post information in the Post Expiration Message.
* [Enhancement] Removing Instagram & Pinterest options from the social login module, also changing the google icon. 

=v3.1.9 (06 September, 2019)=

 * [Fix] If the conditional logic was being used on the image upload field, the field did not work on the iPhone.
 * [Fix] Event Calendar integration - the venue's dropdown was not able to render more than ten items/venues.
 * [Fix] Instagram login was not working.
 * [Improvement] Added stripe 3d secure payment.
 * [Tweak] Removed conditional option from the step-start field.

=v3.1.8 (22 July, 2019)=

 * [Fix] WooCommerce gallery images were not being shown on the frontend.
 * [Fix] Reference value & admin address getting overlapped on PDF invoice.
 * [Fix] Showing extra space with the value of the second column in the repeat field.
 * [Fix] Show & hide coupon message based on response.


27 June, 2019
* [Fix] If a post was being updated without making any changes, Google map field was being vanished.


31 May, 2019

* [Fix] multiple files not uploading when editing a post.


24 May, 2019

* [Feature] added conditional logic on the submit button.
* [Fix] label value was not being displayed in user listing when the field type was a checkbox.


02 May, 2019

* [Fix] While editing the checkbox values from the backend user profile page, the values were not being saved.
* [Fix] conditional logic based on radio & dropdown filed in the column field was not working.
* [Fix] Conditional logic was not working with the category field when the field type is checkbox.
* [Fix] Convert kit lists were not showing.
* [Fix] There was an error from social login API library (Hybridauth).


15 April, 2019

* [Fix] Password was not saving after registration.
* [Fix] Menu restriction feature was not working with mega menu.
* [Fix] Updated social login API.


01 April, 2019

* [Fix] Repeat field with more than one column did not render data.
* [Fix] Checkbox and radio field data were not showing properly on user listing page.
* [Fix] File type meta key in the WPUF User Listing module was not being saved.
* [Fix] Subscription reminder email was being sent at a wrong time.
* [Improvement] Updated Stripe library & set Stripe AppInfo.


28 February, 2019

* [Fix] Multistep feature in the registration form was not working in the previous version.
* [Fix] MinDate/MaxDate option in the Date/Time field was not working.
* [Fix] Schedule post meta was not updating.
* [Fix] Autocomplete turned off for date field.
* [Fix] WPUF cause a fatal error when WC Marketplace is active.


31 January, 2019

* [Fix] If Auto Login After Registration option was enabled from Login/Registration settings, also admin approval and email verification options were enabled and required for the registration form, users would have gotten auto logged after registration. This issue has been fixed in this version.
* [Fix] If a user applied multiple conditions for a single field, the field was unable to show the data on the frontend.
* [Fix] User details didn’t show on the frontend when user activity module was active. Fixed in this version.
* [Fix] When `Subscription at Registration` option was enabled, it was unable to edit the page where the registration form shortcode existed, it just automatically went to the frontend subscription page. Fixed in this release.
* [Fix] When using `Dokan Vendor Registration Form` from the Dokan plugin following fields were not mapping correctly on the vendor store page:
- Store location google map
- Country field
- State field


01 January, 2019

* [New] Add sorting option in the user listing page
* [New] Add shortcode attribute to hide specific user roles from the user listing (e.g: [wpuf_user_listing roles_exclude=“Administrator”]
* [New] added post lock feature based on posts and user
* [Fix] Internal server error when editing a post form


8 November, 2018
* [New] Integrated Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin
* [New] Add option to hide field label
* [New] Add option to change AVATAR button text
* [Fix] Visibility option not available in file upload field
* [Fix] Embed field visibility hidden option not working
* [Fix] Added default meta_key on the 'terms and condition' field


19 July, 2018
* [New] Added resend activation email
* [New] Added minDate and maxDate option in date field
* [New] Allow override form input style using theme styling
* [New] Added content filter option
* [New] Added new form layouts
* [New] Added cutomizer option to subscription pack listing
* [New] Added easy digital downloads integration
* [New] Added pagination in activity log
* [New] Added bulk option for activate/deactivate all modules
* [New] Added instagram and pinterest in social login module
* [New] Added edit profile form replace option for frontend account page
* [Fix] Fixed login/logout menu not working
* [Fix] Fixed social login module issue (Facebook login was not working)
* [Fix] Fixed rating field not showing during post update in frontend


22 March, 2018

* [New] Tax Feature in Payments
* [Improved] Updated Stripe Module
* [Fix] Fixed Showing country name on the frontend instead of country code
* [Fix] Show approved users in user listing page
* [Fix] Updated user directory search query
* [Fix] Post form cannot be selected while editing the post from wp-admin
* [Fix] Coupon usage limit was not working
* [Fix] Date format in coupon
* [Fix] Registration confirmation email doesn't redirect to the wpuf-login page


22 March, 2018

* **Improved:** Added backward compatibility for WooCommerce product template
* **Fix:** Some fields were rendered as Array
* **Fix:** Added WoooCommerce address sync with WP User Frontend billing address
* **Fix:** Fixed issues in Reset Password Mail
* **Fix:** Fixed invalid key in email
* **Fix:** Subscription trial message was not showing properly
* **Fix:** Address Field was not updating
* **Fix:** Subscription Email toggle in settings was not working properly
* **Fix:** Sometimes username was not showing in transaction list
* **Fix:** Post count not showing on the frontend dashboard
* **Fix:** Date/Time was not following backend format in frontend
* **Fix:** Login redirect issues with blank page


18 February, 2018
* [New] Form Layouts: Added new form layouts with Light and Dark color scheme
* [New] User Admin Approval: Add new option to approve user by admin. You can make a user pending before approve by admin.
* [New] Subscription expire notification: Add new notification for subscription expiration. User will get custom email after subscription expiration.
* [Improved] Invisible captcha: Library updated for invisible captcha and update recaptcha.
* [Improved] Google map now supports auto completion for address
* [Fix] Social login callback url: There was a minor issue of login callback url on social login module.
* [Fix] Display of sms enable/disable option.
* [Fix] Infinite loop on WooCommerce Product save fixed
* [Fix] Password reset email not working properly 
* [Fix] Content restriction doesn't work for users with multiple roles
* [Fix] Confirmation email not sent while email module is deactivated


12 December, 2017
* [New] **Introducing All New modules and packaging System** Say bye bye to previous add-ons, which were very difficult to manage. From our new update, we are going to transform all our add-ons into modules. You will be able to manage all of them from a single place. So, we have added a new menu called ‘Modules’ and removed the old ‘Add-ons’ menu.
* [New] **User Listing Module Improvements** Admin can now select among different design layouts for all user profiles as well as user listings.
* [New] **Social Login with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.** Want your users to login using Social networking sites on your website or membership site? Now, WP User Frontend Pro allows you to use this feature on every registration form built with it.
* [New] **Taxonomy restriction when creating a post** Admin can now define the categories for each subscription pack in which a subscribed user can create posts.
* [New] **WC Vendors Registration Template** Vendors registering in WC Vendors with this form will automatically get assigned as vendors. Admin can add extra fields and customize the template as desired.
* [New] **Dokan Vendor Registration Template** Vendors registering in Dokan Multivendor with this form will automatically get assigned as vendors. Admin can add extra fields and customize the template as desired.
* [New] **WC Marketplace Registration Template** Vendors registering in WC Marketplace with this form will automatically get assigned as vendors. Admin can add extra fields and customize the template as desired.
* [Fix] User listing avatar display issue


8 November, 2017
* [New] **Menu Restriction** feature added. Like content restriction, now the admin can restrict the menu items based on roles of logged in users, logged out users, subscription pack or everyone. Available to **Pro** users.
* [New] **Payment Invoice** added. Users who purchase a subscription or process payment for pay per post could not receive an invoice. Now, it's available, a PDF invoice will be sent to user's email with details. Available to **Pro** users.


23 October, 2017
* [improved] Added missing icons on field buttons on form builder
* [new] New redirection settings added in the profile/registration form builder. Now it can be configured on profile and registration update, where the user will be redirected to, separately.
* [fix] Frontend product visibility issue fix for WooCommerce. As Woo moved this option from meta to taxonomy, it stopped working.
* [new] Added Locate Me feature in google maps. Now a location button appears on the map right-left area, upon clicking it will place the marker on current user location. Browser permission is required for this feature.
* [new] Content restriction based on user role has been added.
* [new] "Display Name" field has been added in the profile builder. If firstname and lastname field is present on the form, display name will be automatically set to firstname + lastname.
* [new] Label Position setting added on the profile form builder.


29 August, 2017
* [fix] Translating the menu causing blank form, remove i18n from menu title


30 July, 2017
* [new] Add custom shortcode field
* [new] Add Get Direction to Google map
* [tweak] Grunt: Form builder component templates to a single file
* [fix] Google map is not loading in multistep without resizing the browser
* [fix] load the builder on even !#wpuf-form-builder
* [fix] Wrong link in reCaptcha and google map


8 JUNE, 2017
 * [tweak] Improved address field inputs formatting in forms
 * [fix] Google Map - Set default co-ordinate and zoom level option not working on the frontend
 * [fix] Load conditional logic script in custom template
 * [fix] Post Expiration settings
 * [fix] Added deleted hook to add profile form setting tab and content
 * [fix] Manually added conditional field settings in file upload
 * [fix] label_type error on registration form


30 April, 2017
 * [tweak] Add word limit feature for post title field
 * [fix] Fix price format and logic in WPUF_Coupons class
 * [fix] Translation not working issue
 * [fix] Fixed no_captcha not enable issue


2 April, 2017
 * [tweak] Plugin information updated
 * [fix] License updater menu link
 * [fix] Match em tag properly to fix vue error
 * [fix] Display star in rating fields of back-end form builder and post edit
 * [fix] Parse error for lower PHP versions in list table
 * [fix] After applying coupon code, subscription pack value return zero (#14)


18 March, 2017
* [new] Brand new form builder added for post form and profile form
* [new] Added payment status for pay per post
* [improve] `wpuf_add_html` filter name changed to `wpuf_custom_field_render`
* [improve] Add and update price formating function


22 February, 2017
* [fix] Undefined JavaScript error when post is editing in admin
* [fix] User IP if the script is running in cli
* [fix] Date field on frontend post
* [fix] Hide subscription tab from my account page when subscription is turned off
* [fix] Plugin activation hooks
* [fix] Recaptcha refresh when validation failed


07 February, 2017
* [fix] PHP backward compatibility issue


05 February, 2017
* [new] Shortcodes supported on post notification's every field
* [fix] Conditional logic on address field
* [fix] Pricing format improvements
* [new] Currency position settings
* [fix] File upload warning
* [new] Re-design Transactions List Table
* [new] Separated Free & Pro plugin
* [fix] Draft post empty content issue
* [new] My Account Dashboard `[[wpuf_account]]`

Version 2.4.1

Date: 12 January, 2017

* [new] Added a function wpuf_get_countries()
* [new] jQuery added on preview form
* [new] Showing messages when there is no form associated with an id or deleted or not published yet
* [new] Added dynamic action hooks wpuf_cancel_payment_{gateway}, wpuf_cancel_subscription_{gateway}
* [fix] Enable paynow url on dashboard if a new post is submitted as draft
* [fix] Invalid post id for editing
* [fix] Removed subscription trial cost
* [fix] User profile url on transaction's list
* [fix] Multistep form button & validations
* [fix] Replaced some raw query to builder
* [fix] Some undefined variables issue
* [fix] Replaced $wpdb->escape() to $wpdb->prepare() for depreciation
* [fix] Missing data when saving draft post
* [fix] Updated some textdomains
* [fix] wpuf-ajax-tag-search priv/nopriv ajax request

Version 2.4

Date: 26 October, 2016
* [fix] Plupload string translations 
* [fix] Post expiration logic updated
* [fix] Ignore google map error when the API key is not inserted
* [fix] Upload error from admin panel, nonce issue
* [fix] reCaptcha lib constructor for strict standard
* [fix] tinyMCE and textarea word limit fixed
* [fix] User profile edit warning issue fixed for PHP 7
* [fix] Tag suggestion showing -1
* [fix] Showing -1 in case of unlimited remaining post count
* [fix] Google map on a multi-step section
* [improved] Settings API v1.3 updated
* [improved] Added links to transaction packs in admin area
* [new] Post template feature added with simple post and WooCommerce form template
* [new] Added filter on text area editor args
* [new] Content restriction added on pro version

Version 2.3.15

Date: 11 August, 2016
* [fix] License renewal prompt fix

Version 2.3.14

Date: 10 August, 2016
* [fix] Text domain and translated strings updated
* [fix] Reloading the profile/registration page after deleting the avatar fixed.
* [fix] Styling of delete button of form fixed.
* [fix] Visibility of deleting avatar button fixed.
* [fix] Issue with saving form in php 7 fixed.
* [fix] Restoring remaining number of posts allowed to post in subscription works now (Pro).
* [fix] noCaptcha in registration is now working (Pro).
* [fix] Registration form is now saving in php 7 (Pro).
* [new] Form file uploader is now allowing uploading multiple files and removing extras with warnings.
* [new] New filters added to show meta functions
* [new] gMap API settings Added
* [new] Registration field added (Pro).
* [new] Post taxonomies visibility in form builder are now dependent on the post type selected (Pro).
* [new] Multiple forms in the same page

Version 2.3.13

Date: 30 March, 2016
* [fix] Paypal user agent changed and issue with paypal transection fixed
* [new] Multiple images/files can now be uploaded at a time in image and file fields
* [fix] Upload.js has been modified
* [fix] Problem with saving form element in php 7.0.0 is fixed

Version 2.3.12

Date: 8 February, 2016
* [new] WooCommerce Product Category and Attributes are now sectioned
* [new] Error notice can now be translated.
* [new] Errors on filling up the form will now be visible as notice below relevant field in front end.
* [new] Meta key name in form field in form builder will now be auto populated only if it is empty
* [fix] Progress bar issue in post edit mode is fixed
* [new] Multistep registration form added
* [new] Hook added before registration form
* [fix] SSL issue fixed

Version 2.3.11

Date: 7 February, 2016
* [fix] File upload vulnerability fix. Props to: Panagiotis Vagenas
* [fix] Replaced deprecated user notification function
* [fix] Email error validation in multistep
* [fix] Disabling subscription in form settings
* [fix] Product taxonomy fixes
* [new] No-captcha support added

Version 2.3.10

Date: 5 October, 2015
 * [fix] Custom css is now working
 * [fix] Textdomain added to some text
 * [fix] Visibility of address field data in the frontend is now fixed
 * [tweak] A new filter has been added to get subscription meta data
 * [new] A new option has been added to date field to treat it future publish date if user wants
 * [new] Autologin after registration - feature added
 * [new] Confirmation alert added when user wants to delete subscription in frontend
 * [fix] Publish post after paypal payment completion

Version 2.3.9

Date: 13 Sepetember, 2015

* [fix] Newly registered users were having no meta named "wpuf_postlock"
* [fix] Newly registered users (having no meta named "wpuf_postlock") are now having form in the frontend.
* [fix] Text input field for category is now working
* [fix] Pack id warning in admin area profile
* [fix] Error in rendering map in edit mode, when having no value
* [fix] Progress bar style are set in condition
* [fix] Error undefined object post when updating user profile
* [improve] Button style in payment form

Version 2.3.8

Date: 3rd Sepetember, 2015

* [fix] Problem with wpuf lock post fixed.
* [fix] Problem with retyping password disability in the frontend fixed.
* [fix] Problem with password visibilty fixed.
* [fix] Redirection to subscription page from user profile fixed.
* [fix] Scripts and styles of wpuf are now loading when needed.
* [add] RTL support improvement

version 2.1.9

date: 9 January, 2014

 * [fix] PayPal payment problem fixed.
 * [updated] New version of Settings API class

version 2.1.8

date: 18 September, 2013

 * [new] associate uploaded images to post area
 * [new] tags autocomplete 
 * [new] default post form assignment
 * [new] taxonomy exclude/include/child_of feature
 * [new] free subscription option
 * [new] new edit post status "No Change"
 * [new] delete transaction option
 * [new] signup page override redirection
 * [new] insert photo: image size selection
 * [new] insert photo: type of image selection
 * [new] "pending" post edit enable/disable option

version 2.1.6

date: 22 June, 2013

* [fix] rich textarea post draft bug fix
* [fix] checkbox help text was left out
* [fix] help text for radio field
* [improve] map short code updated and separated to user and post map functions
* [new] non hierarchical taxonomy update support
* [new] theme my login custom email notification action hook fire
* [new] wp cli compatibility
* [new] hidden custom field
* [new] custom taxonomy text input field type added

version 2.1.5

date: 22 May, 2013

* [fix] Comment form fix in dashboard
* [fix] Google map fix in admin edit post area
* [fix] insufficient arguments in admin profile area
* [fix] feature image delete bug in edit post area
* [improve] multisite license notice fix
* [new] dashboard unauthorized message
* [new] not logged in message in user profile form
* [improve] updated language file

version 2.1.4

date: 27 April, 2013

* [bugfix] edit post permission checking
* [bugfix] WYSIWYG Text cut off after using "&"
* [improve] user avatar image url changed from relative to full url. fixes multisite bug
* [improve] `wpuf_can_post` filter gets more parameters
* [improve] repeatable fields separator changed from comma(,) to pipe(|)
* [improve] featured image in dashboard is now linked to posts
* [new] google map autocomplete address feature
* [new] file links added in admin panel post edit custom fields area
* [new] payment gateway bank added
* [new] validation filter added on new/edit post: `wpuf_update_post_validate`, `wpuf_add_post_validate`
* [new] private post status added on dashboard query
* [new] dashboard table hooks added: wpuf_dashboard_head_col, wpuf_dashboard_row_col
* [new] post draft option added. posts now can set to draft for later usage
* [new] default post category option
* [new] dashboard query filter added: `wpuf_dashboard_query`
* [new] teeny rich textarea added

version 2.1.3

date: 18 April, 2013

* [bugfix] comment issue fixed
* [bugfix] date issue fixed
* [bugfix] post author changed
* [new] taxonomy ORDER option
* [new] taxonomy ORDER BY option.
* [new] post format support
* [new] user registration filter
* [new] user registration after filter
* [update] file upload size changed to KiloByte

version 2.1.2

date: 5 April, 2013

* [bugfix] post edit area captcha fix
* [bugifx] Featured default image path fix
* [new] Show post status filter added
* [new] Dashboard query filter added
* [improve] *From* typo fix in editor
* [improve] It won't slow down your site now.

version 2.1.1

date: 23 March, 2013

* [bugfix] License check bug fix

version 2.1

date: 22 March, 2013

* Subscription feature put back
* Auto update feature