Theme my login password forget issue with WP User Front-end
Recently couple of users were pointing out this issue with Theme My Login plugin. When Users Checked “Override registration link” from WPUF settings option then Theme My Login plugin's forget password link doesn't works.
All you have to do is open wpuf.php file with your favourate editor, then add return $url;
right after 266 line.
So it should looks like –
function override_registration_tml( $url, $action ) { if ( wpuf_get_option( 'register_link_override', 'wpuf_profile' ) != 'on' ) { return $url; } if ( $action == 'register' ) { return get_permalink( wpuf_get_option( 'reg_override_page', 'wpuf_profile' ) ); } return $url; }
This thing happening because of Theme My Login recent updates. This solution been tested with WPUF PRO V2.1.7 and Theme My Login V6.3.8