Dokan Product Updates- All Major Releases From v2.0 to v2.7.5
Editor's Note: This is one of our PR posts on the Dokan Plugin v2.0 from 2015. We have just updated it including all major releases from v2.0 to v2.7.5. Check the latest version of Dokan. Thanks! -Sakil Adnan, Head of Content, weDevs.
You can check our previous post on all major releases under Dokan v1.
In this post, we have shared all the details of the versions we published from March 1, 2015, to March 06, 2018. Below you can find the list-
v2.0 -> March 1, 2015 v2.0.1 -> March 9, 2015 v2.1 -> April 6, 2015 v2.2 -> May 11, 2015 v2.2.1 -> May 12, 2015 v2.2.2 -> May 15, 2015 v2.3 -> June 20, 2015 v2.4 -> July 28, 2015 v2.4.1 -> July 29, 2015 v2.4.2 -> August 12, 2015 v2.4.3 -> August 25, 2015 v2.4.4 -> September 4, 2015 v2.4.5 -> September 14, 2015 v2.4.6 -> October 12, 2015 v2.4.7 -> October 20, 2015 v2.4.8 -> November 21, 2015 v2.4.9 -> February 01, 2016 | v2.4.10 -> February 24, 2016 v2.4.11-> May 29, 2016 v2.4.12-> August 8, 2016 v2.5-> October 18, 2016 v2.5.1 -> January 12, 2017 v2.5.2 -> January 25, 2017 v2.5.3 -> March 12, 2017 v2.6.0 -> April 18, 2017 v2.6.1 -> May 4, 2017 v2.6.2 -> May 18, 2017 v2.6.3 -> June 8, 2017 v2.6.4 -> July 16, 2017 v2.6.5 -> Aug 2, 2017 v2.6.6 -> October 22, 2017 v2.7.1 -> Dec 14, 2017 v2.7.3 -> Feb 04, 2018 v2.7.4 -> Feb 12, 2018 v2.7.5 -> March 06, 2018 |
If you want to check the Dokan releases after v2.7.5 go through this link Dokan v2.8.0.
Let's dive into the details.
Dokan v2.0
Good news for Dokan users! We have been working on a massive update to our multi-vendor eCommerce plugin for WordPress — Dokan, and we are almost ready to release it. Introducing Dokan 2.0, a new version that brings an enormous number of much-requested features and bug fixes.
Among the new features and improvements that come with Dokan 2.0, the most important and notable new feature is a wide array of shipping and tax options. We have had many users requesting various features that are related to product shipping and tax.
Those who are regular in the support forum know that we have been promising you new features for some time. Now we are ready to present to you the features that you all have been requesting.
And the beta testers already have access to it.
Newly Added Features
- [new] Store-wide and per-product shipping options for individual sellers based on state
- [new] Tax option for individual sellers on each product
- [new] Shipping tax option
- [new] Variation stock management feature on frontend
- [new] Tax and shipping management for variation products
- [new] Email notification for adding a new product enable/disable
- [new] Flickr, Instagram in seller store social profile field
- [new] Multiple tags for products
- [new] Multiple categories for products
- [new] Set cookie for page view
- [new] calculate_per_seller function is now public and can be accessed from any add-on
That's not all! Dokan brings a number of bug fixes to ensure the maximum user experience with this plugin. The issues that have been addressed in version 2.0 are:
Latest Fixes
- [fix] Line break in seller name with product in chart page
- [fix] Add seller review url filter (‘dokan_get_seller_review_url')
- [fix] Fix some styling issues for the button position
- [fix] Fixes the broken Store page sidebar for any WooCommerce-compatible theme
- [fix] Admin seller listing pagination fixed
- [fix] Use wp_title filter from the dokan theme and correct the store title
- [fix] Product edit tab background white color removed
- [fix] Media popup close icon styling fixed
- [fix] Regenerate map file
- [fix] Update code structure by id prefixed with dokan and stuff
- [fix] Transliteration fixes
- [fix] Fix withdraw threshold query
- [fix] Coupon delete problem fixed
- [fix] Fix settings page undefined error
- [fix] Change hook name ‘dokn_aditional_relation_filed’ to ‘dokan_reg_form_field’
- [fix] Language file updated
We can't wait to see what you think about the new features that we have been working so hard on. If you have a question about a new feature, feel free to browse the documentation. If you can't find an answer to your question, or if you face any issues let us know in the comment section below.
Please make sure that you have entered your license key into the Dokan plugin. A license key is required to receive automatic updates to our plugins. Contact support if you have questions.
Let's have a look at some screenshots-

Dokan v2.0.1
- [fix] Minor bug in shipping gateway
- [fix] Manage stock and product review status wasn't updating
- [fix] Sell individually checkbox wasn't updating
- [new] Earning by seller report in Dokan admin earning reports page
Dokan v2.1

Dokan multi-vendor eCommerce plugin is receiving a plethora of new features! In the past few updates, we have been adding tons of new and useful features to make Dokan more powerful than ever.
For most users, the addition of new users can go unnoticed as the list of new features is only available in the changelog, which many people might not open to read. If you’re one of the many users who haven’t noticed the big changes Dokan has been getting recently, this post is for you!
Take a quick look over some of the greatest recent additions to Dokan’s core features that will make your Dokan-powered e-commerce store more powerful, useful, and controllable.
Seller Announcement Feature
Now you can provide notice to your sellers. Like your site is going offline or you have made a discount coupon that will be applied to your cart or you have made a change to your terms of service. It can be anything you just need to notify the sellers, write it and the sellers will see it on their dashboard.
To know more about how to use this feature, please read this post: How to create an announcement for the sellers.
Seller Profile Completeness
Wouldn’t it feel odd if some of your sellers didn’t take the time to fill up their profile information, upload the banner to their store and add a profile picture or contact information? Now introducing the seller profile completeness feature, a progress mark showing you exactly how much they have completed their profile. This will prompt your sellers to go back to their dashboard settings page and add more information to their profile.

With this Seller Profile Completeness, you can encourage and remind your sellers to complete their profile pictures. Result? The customers of your Dokan-powered site will have a much richer experience with detailed information and store pages no matter which one they visit.
Product Listing and Search Field in Seller Dashboard
A search field and product listing features have been added to the Products page of the Seller Dashboard. This makes it incredibly fast and easy for sellers to search for products they have added. Previously, it took a bit of work to find the exact type of product they needed to edit or update.

Now with the product listing filters, they can simply set the parameters for their search, and in no time they’ll be able to look up the products they want to make changes to. Your sellers will love to have this feature on their dashboards!
Shipping Processing Time for Individual Products
A standard processing time for all types of products isn’t very realistic, is it? At weDevs, we think about what’s realistic and how we can make it better for you. That’s why we have added the option to have different, per-product shipping processing times for you and your sellers.
What this means is your sellers will now be able to add shipping processing time for individual products when they add it. This way, the customers of your site will have a better idea of how much shipping time each product may take instead of making a rough estimate based on your standard, one-time-fits-all shipping processing time!
Seller Total Earning View on Seller Dashboard
How much has the seller earned from your e-commerce store? Well, you don’t have to answer that. Your sellers can now navigate to their seller dashboard where the answer lies! Now with Dokan’s latest version, all sellers can see their total earning amount in their seller dashboard. No more wondering or emailing the site admin requesting information. It’s all there as they need it.
No Shipping Tab for Downloadable Products
When you add a product and set it as downloadable, Dokan will automatically disable the Shipping tab because, let’s be realistic again, you don’t technically ship a downloadable product, do you?
Tax Option for Individual Sellers
Sellers can add or edit tax options from their seller dashboard. This allows for different taxes based on the seller and their location, allowing you to have sellers from different origins sell products on your Dokan-powered store.
Tag and Multiple Categories
Seller Dashboard now allows sellers to add their products to multiple categories. When categories are not enough, sellers can add tags to better manage their products and their type!
Flickr and Instagram in Store Page
Seller’s stores have an area where they can link to their social media profiles. Now they can add links to their Flickr or Instagram accounts so that customers to their store page can browse their social media profiles to further see their products.
As you can see, there are many new features that have been recently added to the Dokan version. Some minor new features as well as tons of bug fixes are not even covered in this post. So make sure to update your Dokan plugin to version 2.1 to have access to all these features. For a complete list of new features, tweaks, and bug fixes, check out the changelog.txt file in your Dokan plugin folder.
Additionally, since some of these features are seller-oriented, go ahead and notify your sellers of the updates that are now available on your Dokan-powered store. Notify them that they can have individual shipping options per product, and tell them they can link to their Instagram and have some followers to their Instagram brand.
In the end, your seller will thank you for all the amazing functionality which makes selling and shopping on your site a much richer experience.
Dokan v2.2
- [new] Settings pages divided into the submenu
- [new] Dokan product listing search by SKU and product id added
- [new] Tabs added on the store page
- [fix] Fix translation issues on product and order status text
- [fix] Fix user migration shop url error
- [fix] Category problem fixed for updated WordPress 4.2
- [fix] Fix the issue on the plugin update checker. Was breaking getting plugin update info
- [fix] Don't allow users to create coupons with the same code
- [tweak] Added “Elsewhere” for countries as well in shipping
Dokan v2.2.1
- [fix] Fix weight and dimensions string translation error on product edit shipping tab
- [fix] Fix store listing shortcode rendering error
- [fix] Remove (#) sign from URL when dokan gravatar and banner image upload
- [fix] Fix require once file name which renames ‘theme-fucntion.php' to ‘functions.php'
- [fix] Fix product listing sku search condition bug
Dokan v2.2.2
- [fix] Fix shipping calculation for ‘everywhere else country' in checkout
- [fix] Fix undefine error on single product shipping tab if select everywhere else country
- [fix] Make override shipping value empty once set and then remove it
- [fix] Show shipping tab on product edit for both simple and variable type product
- [fix] Change the same hooks on different settings forms
- [fix] Fix dokan store tab margin
- [fix] Fix store review template class/id
Dokan v2.3

Dokan 2.3 is here!
And it comes with some new features, some tweaks, and minus the boring issues. To make the Dokan platform more awesome and better for you, we have worked hard while you were already smooth sailing with the powerful Dokan 2.1. Now, it is more futuristic, and balanced, and offers even more control.
Let’s go through the details, shall we?
SEO is Now in Stores
Good news! Our stores now have integrated SEO for our sellers. Previously, only the store had SEO. So, now our sellers are no more dependent only on the store's SEO capacity. Now sellers can easily set up their store SEO and get more hits than ever before. It also nicely integrates with WordPress SEO and the All In One SEO plugin when active.
An Updated Flat Product Upload/Edit page
Do you find running between tabs and taking it step by step too slow for your needs? Well, we have created a flat-style product upload/edit page where you can have all the features all at once. So, this means if you are a regular uploader and have already become an expert on the features; you can take the entire load at once. This might speed up the upload process for some power sellers. But you can revert back to the old tabbed style anytime you want.
Shipping Calculator
Yes! Now sellers can see what the shipping will cost before even checking out. We have integrated the shipping calculator on the product page. So, now your customers can get the shipping rates and total cost of the item before even going to the checkout page.
Terms and Conditions Page
Your sellers can now have their own terms and conditions page. We know that stores vary and so do the products and the business policy of individual sellers may be different. Through this page, any seller can declare their terms and conditions publicly so that any customers browsing their store are aware beforehand of the seller's policy and claims. It appears at the store site. This will prevent misunderstandings between your sellers and customers and increase their trust.
Apart from these additions, we have fixed several issues and tweaked some forms and page styling for a smoother experience.
Dokan v2.4
- [new] Code re-write, re-organized
- [new] Customer support System for sellers
- [tweak] After login redirect users to the page they were instead of my account
- [tweak] Dokan order sync table from backend tools done by ajax step by step
- [fix] New Product status change as admin settings rather than “draft”
- [fix] Pagination fix on admin earning log
- [fix] Translation fix on template-js
- [fix] Fix undefine state error from store and store listing
Dokan v2.4.1
- [fix] plugin updater fix: wrong plugin file path
- [fix] Store banner min-height issue
- [fix] added validation on settings/store phone field
Dokan v2.4.2
- [tweak] New hook on store header: dokan_store_before_social
- [tweak] Re-arrange dokan admin settings fields
- [tweak] Add field on seller store settings to manage store product per page
- [tweak] Sellers are redirected to the dashboard after login
- [fix] Feature seller widget display template path
- [fix] Best seller widget display seller name changed to store name
- [fix] Fix the problem with showing variation data on order details
- [fix] Update “dokan_create_seller_order” function to save variation order meta on sub-order
- [fix] Update “dokan_post_input_box” function to add an option for making the text field and number field required
- [fix] Fix the balance separator problem on withdraw
- [fix] Fix the total sales balance display on the seller dashboard page
- [fix] Keep value saved of override shipping fields meta even when the option is unchecked
- [fix] English language phrases correction in several places
- [fix] Fix calculation of sub-orders in WooCommerce dashboard status widget sales query
Dokan v2.4.3

We released Dokan 2.4.3 just a few weeks ago and we went through some ups and downs while at it. We had to endure a major WooCommerce update and prepare for a new version of WordPress (v4.3). We handled the immense pressure nicely, but we can do better for our users. You know it.
We are always very frank about how we work and we work very closely with you. So, it feels lighter sometimes to share our observations and findings with you. After all, we feel proud when you use what we make happily. We always insist you to post reviews on Dokan and suggest improvements because we really want to make Dokan even better for you.
The new one might look very same, but the new WooCommerce has gone through major changes internally. Since our prime service Dokan is based on it, we had a lot of things to patch up very quickly with no heads-up. Turns out we managed it quite well.
The Problems We Tackled
Dokan faced a widget issue due to the WordPress update, which we cured. They changed some settings of the widgets which we pointed out right away and adapted like a ninja. Another issue arose with the WP text editor, which we also fixed. We also had trouble with failed orders when someone re-ordered and order duplication, which now has been resolved. Thanks to you for pointing it out.
Dokan has a flat shipping feature, but when several reports came in that there was a shipping problem with multiple sellers – we sought to it right away. Then again, some sellers reported that downloadable products sometimes were coupled with shipping charges. We have fixed all the issues and flat shipping is now fault free at least we hope so!
Our Method
A recent blog post from WooCommerce admitted that they had lost some of the backward compatibility and they tested the new release on their own site to be sure. We ourselves update Dokan through live testing. This means, we take the issues and feature requests from you and then we see if our fix works, we hand it out to you before making it an official release. Until it works smoothly, we keep working at it.
So What's in it for you?
We are continuously coming up with feature changes to Dokan. We fixed a lot of issues in the current release (2.4.3). In a couple of days, v2.4.4 will be released with more fixes as well. We suggest that you update to these latest versions right away. We hope v2.4.4 will be the most stable version yet and we suggest that you stick to this version for now.
This means you will see a lot of updates coming your way. Usually, we solve pending issues and wait to make a bunch of updates and release those all at a time. But we are now discussing this internally and trying to make the update process as instant as possible. We see a problem today, we fix it today and we would push the update today. Big companies like WooCommerce are following the same way.
To deal with the updates and to avoid a broken site you should-
• Maintain a staging site on your local server.
• Update and Experiment on your staging site first.
• Push your staging site to its Limits with all sorts of shipping, variation, and sub-order pressures.
• Report to us if you encounter anything.
• If everything looks Ok, then Update the Live site.
If you want, you can even test our new features beforehand on your clone site. To test, you just need to ask us and we will send you the unseen stuff. We just do not want your live site to get broken if anything goes wrong.
PS. We would love to hear your valuable suggestions. Please leave a reply in the comments on what you think.
Dokan v2.4.4
- [new] Seller balance resync by checking the unexpected order button added on the tools page
- [fix] Make some text translatable on the contact seller widget
- [fix] Optimise SQL query to make the regenerate process fast
- [fix] Fix WooCommerce deactivate dependency issue
- [fix] Fix plugin bulk activate issue with the dokan welcome page
Dokan v2.4.5
- [fix] Fix the responsive style issue for the store page
- [fix] Fix undefine parent order object issue on creat sub-order
- [fix] Fix seller dashboard product comments count on the widget
Dokan v2.4.6
- [tweak] Added terms and condition option field on the Registration form
- [fix] Remove required for product per page field on store settings
- [fix] Fix delete variation product issue on tab view for the seller
- [fix] Fix redudant data for guest users
- [fix] Fix responsive issue on front page product listing
- [fix] Seller store banner size to cover
- [fix] Store template fix for twenty-twelve theme
Dokan v2.4.7
- [fix] Fix Coupon discount redundancy
- [fix] Fix product gallery image delete issue on tab view
- [fix] Fix the translation issue on the user migration form
- [fix] Fix Store listing template view for not logged-in user
- [fix] parent sub-order creation on unsuccessful payment by card
- [fix] Store page breadcrumb fixed to show Store name and listing link properly
Dokan v2.4.8
We have recently released the most stable version of the Dokan Multivendor Market plugin ever, The Dokan 2.4.8.!
We have made a significant tweak and several minor fixes with this update.
You can now customize your notification Email templates by editing the source file and not lose the settings even after updating the plugin. Previously you had to keep a backup copy of the templates and replace them every time you made an update to the plugin.
We have created a detailed tutorial on how to create a custom template for you.
Dokan v2.4.9
- [new] Plugin help page added
- [new] Seller search added on the store listing
- [tweak] Some validation on contact seller email handler and after sent hook updated
- [tweak] Category check added on new product add without reloading page
- [tweak] Auto suggestion and clear button on flat view variation product attributes input
Dokan v2.4.10
- [new] New dashboard menu added for ‘store link', ‘edit account', and ‘sign out'
- [fix] Remove repeated data rendering on the admin panel dokan earning section
- [fix] Terms and conditions not showing on the registration issue
- [fix] Dashboard/orders page single view responsive issue
- [fix] Product edit and add an issue on Firefox and IE browser
- [fix] Product variation save and update issues
Dokan v2.4.11
- [new] Refund request from seller to admin by sellers order details page
- [new] Tracker added
- [fix] Checkout issue if flat rate shipping is set as null
- [fix] Change seller display name to store name
- [fix] Multiple submit requests on product add/edit
- [fix] Undefine error on the cart page for shipping additional price
- [fix] Product edit page permission
- [fix] Remove duplicate insert on dokan order table
Dokan v2.4.12
- [new] Product base admin commission
- [new] Sellers coupon show on store
- [tweak] Added Settings for gMap API key
- [fix] Product with same SKU
- [fix] Product permalink, defaults to ‘product'
- [fix] Image upload attribute undefined issue
- [fix] Multiple seller order mail
- [fix] Product SKU search
- [fix] Store search by store name
Dokan v2.5
- [new] Setup Wizard on Admin panel
- [new] Setup Wizard for seller settings after new seller registration
- [new] Multiple header templates for store template
- [new] Added DOKAN shortcode insert button on post/page editor
- [new] Added store search option on store listing page
- [new] Added detailed income and withdrawal statements for sellers
- [new] Added option to choose tax and shipping receiver as admin or seller.
- [new] Show seller payment options on the user profile in the back end.
- [tweak] Dokan store listing shortcode has more options
- [tweak] Flat rate shipping synced with the zone ID
- [tweak] Fixed Tab view variation products
- [tweak] Added active states in the product review status filter
- [fix] Fixed front-end variation issue for other languages
- [fix] Fixed product add while selling is disabled for sellers
Dokan v2.5.1
- [new] Front-End product template new UI
- [tweak] All SELLER text is changed to VENDOR
- [tweak] Updated Seller Earning Statement Report View
- [tweak] Fixed variable product data-saving issues
- [tweak] Changed Order Tracking options from Select to Text box for sellers
- [tweak] Improved Responsiveness on seller dashboard pages
- [tweak] Product commission option is moved to the advance tab from general
- [fix] Improved Seller Setup wizard for better UX
- [fix] Improved Seller Setup wizard for better UX
- [fix] Fixed showing error If Google MAP API is not given
- [fix] Fixed Extra fee receiver not working issue
Dokan v2.5.2
- [new] Added filter ‘dokan_new_product_popup_args' to enable custom validation on new products add
- [new] Enabled vendors to select all products while creating a coupon
- [fix] On plugin activation auto flush rewrite rules
- [fix] Seller Setup wizard not translating properly in some cases
- [fix] Shipping tracking modal not showing while bootstrap loaded is fixed
- [fix] Vendor statement enhanced for calculating per-product commission
- [tweak] Seller setup wizard enhanced for responsiveness
- [tweak] Seller dashboard widgets enhanced for better responsiveness
- [tweak] Add new product pop-up enhanced for better responsiveness
- [tweak] Several other optimizations to codebase for better and stable performance
Dokan v2.5.3
- [new] Separated Free version from the PRO plugin
- [fix] Announcement functionality fixed
- [fix] Bulk discount for seller front-end fixed
- [fix] Styling fixed for coupons on Vendor Store Page
- [fix] Shipping Enable/Disable not updating issue fixed
- [fix] Review styling for 3rd party theme conflict fixed
- [fix] Product shipping toggling issue fixed
- [tweak] Updated Flot JS version and fixed JS issues
Dokan v2.6.0
- [new] Made dokan-pro compatible with WC 3.0
- [fix] updated Yoast SEO sitemap generation
- [fix] Tab view seller shipping toggle not working
- [fix] Seller order refund showing notices fixed
- [fix] Seller adds new coupon showing notices fixed
- [fix] Saving coupon data with WC 3.0
Dokan v2.6.1
- [fix] Vendor coupon type not showing properly
- [fix] Saving variation product and variation title view
- [fix] Tab view product gallery image not saving
- [fix] Tab view shipping functionality
- [fix] Tab view schedule render
- [fix] Refund rendering issue when order is not found
- [fix] Downloadable variable product not saving
- [new] Added variation description field in tab view product page
Dokan v2.6.2
- [new] Dynamic state select option for Vendor Setup Wizard
- [fix] Change Product Seller from admin not working properly for variation products
- [fix] Store listing search not showing the same result if submitted
- [fix] Store listing search sending multiple requests on AJAX
- [fix] Feature products, Best selling products, and Top-rated seller queries fixed
- [fix] Fixed Order status label issue in seller order listing
- [tweak] Added currency argument for wc_price
- [tweak] Various helper text labels updated
Dokan v2.6.3
- [new] Added action to duplicate product from the product list view
- [new] Added option to set product as pending review when vendors re-edit or update a product
- [fix] Announcement visibility logic updated for widget and announce template
- [fix] Coupon add category selection limit fixed
- [fix] All products can not be set when selecting all products on the coupon view fixed
- [tweak] Coupon showing styles improved
Dokan v2.6.4
- [new] Added
shortcode - [new] Added option in admin settings to allow product review status management for vendors
- [fix] Vendor Store page review pagination not working
- [fix] Vendor earning report date-wise calculation problem
- [fix] Expired vendor coupons are showing in the vendor store
- [tweak] Enhanced RTL support
- [tweak] Various other core improvements
Dokan v2.6.5
- [new] Added email template for the announcement
- [new] Send an email to admin when a product is edited and pending
- [fix] Widgets not showing in the admin menu
- [fix] Vendor dashboard graph RTL issue fixed
- [tweak] Added missing on the shipping tab title
- [tweak] Enhanced RTL support
Dokan v2.6.6
- [new] Added Flat commission option
- [new] Added status filter and search option on the vendor listing for Admin
- [new] Added Social login feature
- [new] Vendor Store's social share icon on tabs
- [new] Added Category wise vendor commission
- [new] Added Export CSV option on the All Logs tab of the Dokan Reports page
- [new] Added Shipping option in the seller setup wizard
- [new] Added Upsell and Cross-sell a product on vendor product option
- [new] Added group-type product on vendor product option
- [new] Dokan email templates integrated within WooCommerce emails with template support
- [new] Added various help texts on Dokan admin pages
- [new] Added various help texts on Dokan admin pages
- [new] Help tutorial on Dokan Admin pages
- [fix] Customer migration redirect to seller wizard not working
- [fix] Placeholder date format translation issue
- [fix] Not sending new seller email on customer migration
- [fix] Announcement mail showing all seller emails
- [fix] Fix showing tax data for order details page
- [fix] Added settings to hide customer info from vendor's order details
- [fix] Turned of shipping method when product shipping is disabled
- [tweak] Toggle switch added for toggle vendor status on vendor listing
- [tweak] Registered date in vendor listing column for Dokan Admin
Dokan v2.7.1
- [new] Added an option for hiding and showing withdraw menus in the vendor dashboard
- [new] New module integration called Single product Multiple Vendor
- [new] Added helper link in social API integration
- [new] New product email template is added for auction product – Auction module
- [new] Vendor verification widget is now showing on a single product page – Vendor Verification module
- [fix] Import export warning fixed – Import Export module
- [fix] Calculation wrong in Subscription packages – Subscription module
- [fix] Fixed deprecated checkout url – Subscription module
- [fix] Fixed core updater class
- [fix] Showing wrong WC Booking link fixed – Booking module
- [fix] Update textdomain in appearance – Appearance module
- [fix] Attribute saving problem if integer or commas value set as an attribute values
- [fix] Social connect redirection issue fixed – Vendor Verification module
- [fix] Fixed vendor verification widget is not showing – Vendor Verification module
- [tweak] Hooks added for a new ticket and reply – Store Support
- [tweak] Update shipping package label hook parameters
Dokan v2.7.3
- [new] Vendor Staff Module is added
- [new] Email Verification on registration is added
- [fix] Regular shipping is shown while disabled from the settings
- [fix] Non-numeric warning shown on Statement report
- [fix] Product edit template duplicates for pending products
- [fix] Subscription: Become a vendor form not showing subscription form
- [fix] Subscription: The commission rate for subscription can't be set as blank
- [fix] Appearance: The color scheme not working on the product edit page
- [fix] Booking: Person type unlink or remove not working
- [fix] Booking: Order links inside Booking details not working
- [tweak] Dropping support for Tab view product edit page
- [tweak] Import Export: button position for products view changed
- [tweak] Import Export: CSV import-export buttons added under Tools
Dokan v2.7.4
- [fix] Fixed vendor verification permission issue
- [fix] Fixed Shipping not rendering in the cart and checkout page
- [fix] Fixed dokan verification and store support Widget issue
- [tweak] Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3+
Dokan v2.7.5
- [fix] If a user is logged in using social media then he is unable to upload product image
- [fix] Registration process through email verification doesn’t verify vendors properly
- [fix] Dokan Announcement option is not working
- [fix] Store support widget is not working on a single product page
- [fix] Cannot register using social media
- [fix] Subscription pack [for an unlimited number of days] expiration date shows invalid date from vendor’s dashboard
- [fix] Subscription pack purchase during vendor registration
- [fix] Announcement query conflict with product widget
- [fix] Shipping is not working if WPML is activated
- [Tweak] Skip updater if we are from the command line
- [Tweak] Re-organize dokan admin menu’s
Stay with us and stay updated! We are always working towards a better and improved Dokan. If you have any suggestions or feature requests, let us know in the comment section below.
So, are you ready to build your dream marketplace with Dokan? Dokan Multivendor can help you create any type of marketplace. Such as digital & physical products, booking items, auction materials, or anything you can think of.
The current version of Dokan is 3.7.24.