Dokan Product Updates- All Major Releases From v1.0 to v1.4
Editor's Note: This is one of our PR posts from 2014. We just updated it including all major releases under v1. At that time Dokan was a marketplace theme for WooCommerce, later we launched it as a standalone multivendor plugin to build any type of marketplace in the WordPress ecosystem. Now Dokan is the best multivendor plugin with 60k+ active marketplaces worldwide. Check the latest version of Dokan. Thanks!
-Sakil Adnan, Head of Content, weDevs.
If you don't know what Dokan is, it's the most feature-rich multi-seller marketplace solution for WooCommerce and WordPress.
Check Dokan Multivendor releases under version 1 and how it becomes the most prominent multivendor marketplace solution!
In this post, we have shared all the details of the versions we published under Dokan version 1 from Feb 17, 2014, to January 18, 2015. Here's the list of releases in Dokan version 1-
- Dokan v1.0.0 Feb 17, 2014
- Dokan v1.0.1 Mar 24, 2014
- Dokan v1.0.2 Mar 24, 2014
- Dokan v1.0.3 April 7, 2014
- Dokan v1.0.4 May 9, 2014
- Dokan V1.0.5 June 9, 2014
- Dokan V1.0.6 September 2, 2014
- Dokan v1.0
- Dokan v1.1 October 5, 2014
- Dokan v1.2 November 2, 2014
- Dokan v1.3 November 20, 2014
- Dokan v1.4 January 18, 2015
Let's dive into the details.
Dokan v1.0.0 – Initial Release of Dokan Multivendor Theme for WooCommerce
It was the first day when Dokan started its journey as a multi-purpose theme in the WordPress repository.
Dokan v1.0.1 Released with New Action Hooks and Filters
Here are the newly added features of Dokan v1.0.1-
- Sold individually option added
- New action hooks and filters
- PHP 5.2 support with replacing DIR
- Seller shop url customization choice
- Seller order status change enable/disable option added
- Seller reviews are shown on the store page
- Withdraw balance control -> order status choice option
- Avatar upload feature
- New seller notification mail
- New product visibility to visible
- Bestseller widget
If you want to know more about this version, check out this release post- New features on Dokan 1.0.1.
Dokan v1.0.2 Fixed Bugs from the Previous Version
This Dokan release was about to fix some issues from the last version.
- [bugfix] Withdraw request balance float
After this, a new version of Dokan comes with some significant features.
Dokan v1.0.3 Released with Per-user Seller Percentage
Dokan V1.0.3 has been released with some new features and here are those:
1. Per user seller percentage
Now you can set percentages for individual sellers. To do this please go to the seller profile and set the percentage as your wish for that particular seller.

2. Profile settings can be updated from the admin area
Now you are able to update any seller settings from the admin area just by visiting their profile.

3. New action hooks and filters added
New action added on product edit area and save options.
4. Demo store notice compatibility
Some fixes with the WooCommerce site-wide notice where before the top menubar would be hidden when the notice is shown.
5. Edit permalink support for category base
Selecting the shop base with a category for products, the edit product feature wasn't working. It's been fixed.
We also fixed some issues from v1.0.2 such as-
- The product category won't update
- Menu parameter removed from wp_nav_menu
- Currency entity fix in withdrawing email
- Downloadable file upload directory
- Price validation was removed from the new product page.
Dokan v1.0.4 Released with RTL support & Many Improvements

We are happy to let you know that we just released an updated version(v1.0.4) on May 9 2014 for Dokan – A Multi-vendor theme for WordPress based on Woocommerce.
Here's the changelog:
- [new] RTL support
- [fix] Responsive style problems
- [fix] page title fix for homepage
- [fix] category dropdown widget width with many categories
- [fix] clicking category dropdown widget on mobile
- [improve] child categories in main navigation are clickable now
- [fix] main dropdown selected color fix
- [fix] coupon expire date formatting fix
- [fix] style.css is the main stylesheet now
- [fix] duplicate phone number in admin edit profile removed
- [fix] missing translation strings
- [fix] small problem in seller listing
Dokan v1.0.5 Released with Better Child Theme Support
Great News for Dokan Customers!
Once again our Marketplace theme, Dokan is polished to shine and rock your marketplace. See the changelog to know which jewels got added and which blanks were filled!
Newly Added Features:
- Now you can enable/disable scripts, styles, and sidebars from the child theme.
- Child theme support is now even better. (new child theme E-shopper released )
- The seller dashboard is now more responsive.
- Filtering support was added to the slider.
- You can offer your sellers to be able to start selling right after registering. But for that, you’ll have to pre-define this auto-active feature.
- Store pages now show only the category menu. So your customers can navigate well within your store.
- Store sidebars are now dynamic and widget enabled. Customize the sidebar with your favorite widgets, Show your Facebook and Twitter Feed, Place ads, etc.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Multi-Site collisions
- Updated the language file with missing strings. So your site will be more user-friendly and well-localized.
Dokan v1.0.6 Released with Arabic translation

Great News for Dokan Customers!
Once again we polished our Marketplace theme- Dokan to shine and rock your marketplace. See the changelog to know which jewels got added and which blanks just got filled!
Newly Added Features:
- Added hook and filter in the product listing
- Arabic translation added
- Customer migration to seller
- Hooks added on the settings form
- Pre-defined attribute feature
Bug Fixes:
- Change seller name to store name in the cart
- Add store link to the seller review tab
- change best seller name to store name in best seller widget
- Condition fix for new product visibility
- Update URL separator
- The coupon product dropdown shows only 10 products
- Repeated slide off
- Change manage stock check
- Review pagination in the seller dashboard
- Email notifications removed from child orders
- Correct text domain updated
- Order status localization
==================== Theme Version End ====================
Dokan v1.0- Initial Plugin Version Released
From this point, Dokan finally started its journey as a plugin. With great functionalities and essential features, Dokan becomes the best multi-vendor marketplace plugin in the WordPress repository.
You can easily create an online marketplace with its amazing features and earn commission from vendors.
Dokan v1.1 Released with Pre-defined Attributes & Important Fixes
Gradually, we started adding new features and functions to Dokan.
Here are the significant modifications from Dokan v1.1-
Newly Added Features:
- Pre-defined attributes are brought back into the plugin.
- New action hook and filters
- My orders page was brought back
Bug Fixes:
- Sold individual bug fix
- Withdraw cancel functionality was broken in the plugin
- Product delete functionality was broken
- Fontawesome fonts were added to the dashboard. Removed icomoon
- Some Bootstrap CSS classes fix
- Duplicate order emails fixed
- The discounted price wasn't updated properly
Dokan v1.2 Released with Important Security Update

The other day we discovered a vital security glitch in our Dokan plugin. The glitch allows an attacker to gain access to a Dokan-powered e-commerce site and remove or modify all the published products on their site.
We have already fixed the security glitch and have released an update. We recommend you update your Dokan plugin to the latest version right away. If you do not update the Dokan plugin right away, your site may be vulnerable to security threats.
In addition to the security issue, we fixed a number of other bugs in the new Dokan plugin version 1.2. Below is a changelog for the new version.
Bug Fixes:
- Security fixes. props to @yann
- dokan_templart_part function wasn't picking up the template from the theme
- Add missing action hooks from the theme migration
- Paginations in the dashboard
- Product edit page responsive issue
Update your Dokan plugin as soon as possible and keep your Dokan-powered website safe and secure.
Dokan v1.3 Released with New Hooks & Seller Widget
Here you can find the changes we made in Dokan v1.3-
Newly Added Features:
- Featured seller widget
- Few hooks in the mail
Bug Fixes:
- Sanitize settings fields
- Calculate admin commission without shipping
- Customer-to-seller migration bug fix
Dokan v1.4 Released with Withdraw Threshold Feature

We released a new update of Dokan for the eCommerce plugin in WordPress. The new version 1.4 brings a handful of new improvements, features, and bug fixes.
You can see the full changelog of the Dokan plugin version 1.4-
Newly Added Features:
- Added admin option to change store URL
- Added withdraw threshold feature
- Order report Export and listing
- Added admin option to enable-disable store sidebar from theme
- Coupon fee shipping removed
Bug Fixes:
- Pagination compatible with WordPress v4.1
- Language translation fixed
- Seller name changed to store name at featured seller widget
- Fix product stock quantity and save error
- Fix product variation stock error
- Settings page error fix
Dokan plugin users should be able to update the plugin from the WordPress dashboard. If you aren't seeing the notification for the new update of the Dokan plugin, make sure that you have entered your Dokan license key.
After this version, we released Dokan v2.0 with a lot of remarkable changes, new features, and modules to make our users' journey smoother than ever.
The current version of Dokan is 3.7.24.