New features on Dokan 1.0.1
If you don't know what Dokan is, it's the most feature rich marketplace theme for WooCommerce and WordPress.
Today Dokan has been updated with some new features and here are those:
1. New action hooks and filters added.
2. Seller shop url customisation:
Now you can customise your stores URL while you are registering
3. Enable/disable order status change:
If you don't want to give options to your sellers to not change the order statuses, now you can customise.

4. Seller Balance Withdraw
Sellers balance is counted by combining the order total of their Completed, Processing and On-hold order statuses. Incase if you want to count the seller balance only when a order is completed (shipping processed and parcel received or whatever steps you are taking on).
5. Avatar Upload
Avatar upload feature was missing, now it's been added.
6. Seller Registration Notification
It was missing on the initial version without noticing. Better late than never 😉
7. Store Reviews in one place
Now you can see all the reviews of a seller by navigating the rating on store page. It lists all the reviews from all products of that seller.
8. Top Seller Widget
A new widget added to show best sellers. It calculates by sales amount that the seller has made.