TaxGuru’s Success Story Of Using WP User Frontend For User Registration
Is there any site owner/admin who wouldn't like for their users to register easily on the website? You will probably find none.
User registration nowadays is an imperative part of almost every WordPress website. It is the same situation for TaxGuru, a complete tax-related finance & information solution website as well. They wanted to have the facility to allow their users to registers directly from the front end hassle-free. And so they were looking for a plugin that turns their frontend usability along with their user registrations process more automated and user-friendly than ever. And for TaxGuru, this whole process is extremely simple now with the help of WP User Frontend.
Already a number of popular WordPress websites have seen tremendous progress in their business after using WP User Frontend. TaxGuru is also one well-known tax solution website that has seen great success over the years using WP User Frontend.
So this post will be all about the success that TaxGuru has experienced using WP User Frontend.
So without further ado, let's find out what the Founder CEO Sandeep Kanoi of TaxGuru, and its users have to say about their success secret and this awesome frontend solution tool for WordPress.
What Is TaxGuru About?

Taxguru.in deals with all the tax-related issues for any user based in India. It is a complete tax solution site where a user gets to know all the tax-related updates and news. The users can keep themselves updated with the Indian tax judiciary and rules of customs and more.
Get all the required information about income tax, service tax, government budget plan, company/corporate laws, and much more from this single most comprehensive tax solution website. Keep yourself updated with all the latest news and get notifications of the latest updates on a regular basis.
The tax solution company is serving its users with all the helpful tips and providing suggestions that would help them reform their decision making showing them the right way. A very detailed and useful site for all the tax knowledge dummies out there.
Reason For Choosing WP User Frontend
TaxGuru CEO Mr. Kanoi confirmed that they started using WP User Frontend two years back as they wanted people on their website to register in order to serve the users better understanding their nature. The plugin helps the website to serve its premium contents to be available only for the registered users.
WP User Frontend saves TaxGuru their valuable time that was getting wasted before on drafting the contents that were received from freelancers. Now with the help of WP User Frontend, any registered users can log in to their account and post the content for publication which afterward gets published after the editorial staff of TaxGuru reviews it.
WP User Frontend gave TaxGuru the complete freedom of frontend posting which actually enables them and its users to save a lot of time. It makes the content submission and restriction simpler than ever and this is why Taxguru has opted for WP User Frontend.
How is WP User Frontend Helping TaxGuru With Its Business?

With WP User Frontend the opportunity to make things easier in terms of frontend usability for any website is limitless. It was the same case for TaxGuru as well. But the two most important things that WP User Fronted has help TaxGuru for taking care of its business is as follows:
- Their content contributors have increased multifold
- Their mailing become automated in respect of content received and published
User Registration

TaxGuru is using WP User Frontend for its user registration form. All the tax and finance professionals register using this form designed for the website.
User Profile Editing From Frontend

All the registered users of TaxGuru can edit and update their profiles whenever they want.
Dashboard Of User In The Frontend

All the registered users can manage and control their TaxGuru account right from this frontend dashboard.
Feedbacks & Customer Experiences

WP User Frontend was always known for its simple dashboard design, functionality, and user-friendliness. And so even the users of TaxGuru found it nothing different.
Our customers are enjoying the WPUF and they are very happy with its smooth login system
The customers and the users of TaxGuru are said to be enjoying the services of WP User Frontend a lot. They have liked the simple and secured login system it has. And loved the way all of their contents are placed in one place.
As they call it, truly a marvelous user experience to say the least.
Observation Of TaxGuru Regarding WP User Frontend & Our Services
I found that you guys are very fast in helping on queries raised and in removing bugs if we report any- CEO Sandeep Kanoi
The support team of WP User Frontend is always prompt in solving any issues that arise. And so the CEO of TaxGuru was really happy with the customer service we provided them. As we were really active in addressing and solving any issues at a quick time.
Not just appreciation for our support team, the Taxguru CEO also has a few words of advice for the team of WP User Frontend. He suggested that we get ourselves a dedicated tech team. A team that can help them in the customization of some of the plugin features, especially in the social media login one.
We value each of our client's feedback and suggestions that we get. And we promise this suggestion by the Founder CEO of TaxGuru won't get unnoticed by any means.
Have A Smoother Experience With Your Frontend User Registration
Companies like TaxGuru is having an undisputed experience of using WP User Frontend for the last couple of years. And now even you can turn your frontend user registration or form submission process smoother than butter with WP User User Frontend.
Whether you want to allow your users to be able to submit unlimited forms or make the user registration process streamlined for your WordPress site, WP User Frontend is something you will always fancy.
With WP User Frontend you get to have the most dynamic user experience of frontend form submission. You have the complete freedom of creating any type of custom form for the users. And you get to have your very own customized and individual dashboard for the users. This allows users to manage their frontend posts using the dedicated feature-rich dashboard for them.
So if you are looking to provide your users with the best frontend posts or form submission then WP User Frontend is certainly the answer you are looking for.
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For any kind of queries related to WP User Frontend, you can always reach our support team.
Share with us your thoughts or any other inspiring success stories that you know in the comments section below.