Translate Dokan Plugin

Dokan Multi Vendor Documentation

If you want to use Dokan in different languages, then you have that opportunity to translate and use Dokan based on your language. Yes, now you can translate the Dokan – Multivendor Marketplace plugin in your language too.

Well, there are 12 different languages that you can use to translate Dokan. Let’s see the languages:-

  • Catalan
  • Chinese (Taiwan)
  • Dutch, English (Canada)
  • English (US)
  • German
  • Persian
  • Russian
  • Spanish (Colombia)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (Peru)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Spanish (Venezuela)

Translating the FREE

  1. Choose your language and download from the WordPress repository Both .po and .mo files can be downloaded.
  2. Place the language files you downloaded to –
  • /wp-content/languages/plugins/ (Recommended)
  • /wp-content/plugins/dokan/languages

Text Domain for the .MO or .PO file

Dokan FREE: or dokan-lite-en_EN.po

Translating the PRO Packages

You can translate Dokan PRO Packages in your own language and download the translations files yourself to implement the language into your site.

If this is your first time translating, then follow this general procedure tutorial:  How to translate weDevs plugins or themes.

Translation Workflow & Guidelines For Dokan Pro Packages

1. You have translation files for both FREE and Dokan Starter. Only using one translation file for the FREE or the Starter Package will result in malfunctioning translation.

2. You have to choose the right project. So, click on the specific package you are using and choose the language you want to translate to.

→ For Dokan Starter Click here

→ For Dokan Professional Click here

→ For Dokan Enterprise Click here

→ For Dokan Business Click here

3. Use the proper file location

Place the language files you downloaded to –

  • /wp-content/languages/plugins/ (Recommended)
  • /wp-content/plugins/dokan/languages

If we place the file in the languages folder of the plugin, the file might get lost while updating the plugin. So the safest place would be wp-content/languages/plugins.

4. Rename the language files with the following format with the text domain.

Text Domain for the .MO or .PO file

Dokan: or dokan-en_EN.po

Final Step: Activation

  1. Go to wp-admin → Settings → General and scroll to the bottom.
  2. You will get to see a drop down menu for languages. Choose your language from there (like, en_Es for Spanish) and save to enable the language of your choice. All of the instructions are given in this post about translating weDevs themes and plugins (the last step).

Manually editing a translation from a file

To do this you will need a person readable file (.po). Machine readable (.mo) files will not work.

Download a .PO version of your language file and edit it with Poedit, it’s a free software. Download here –

Now, you will be able to find the strings and add or edit each string manually.